Book page

Waste Statistics - 2024

Course LeaderJürgen GONSER
Target GroupStaff members involved in the production of official waste statistics, advanced level.
Entry Qualifications
  • Sound command of English. Participants should be able to make short interventions and to participate actively in discussions
  • Familiarity with the Waste Statistics Regulation
  • Experience in producing Waste Statistics
  • The course will enhance the theoretical and practical knowledge of waste statistics validation approaches.
  • The main focus will be on validation routines, looking at strengths and weaknesses in the chosen approaches and possibilities for shared responsibilities between countries and Eurostat. The course will explore possible ways of avoiding duplication of validation routines and in waste statistics and means of obtaining more effective statistics.
  • Methods for the validation of waste statistics, overview on validation checks currently done;
  • Analysis of time series for one country, comparisons between countries, use of economic indicators in the validation;
  • Cross-checks with waste data reported based on other EU legislation;
  • Methods of data compilation (e.g. factors, modelling) and the effects on the comparability of results.
  • Reporting on secondary waste
  • Calculation of waste management indicators
Expected Outcome

Participants will have a profound understanding of validation of waste statistics currently carried out. The course will provide the participants with tools and methods for the validation of waste statistics, with the aim of improving the quality and comparability of the statistics and of sharing responsibilities for validation between Eurostat and Member states.

Participants will have a chance to exchange experiences and thus learn about the practices of other countries.

Training Methods
  • Lectures and presentations
  • Plenum discussions and group sessions
  • Practical examples and exercises
Required Reading

Regulation (EC) No 2150/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2002 on waste statistics.

Validation approach for waste statistics, available on CircaBC : 3.2 WStatR validation approach_rev1

Suggested Reading
  • Manual for the Implementation of Regulation (EC) No 2150/2002 on waste statistics
  • EU Indicator on the recycling of waste (excl. major mineral wastes):


  • The website of the Data Centre on Waste


  • The databases available on the website of Eurostat:

Required PreparationParticipants should have a partial overview of waste quantities, the statistical methods and validation approaches applied in official waste statistics within their own country.






Practical Information    
WhenDurationWhereOrganiserApplication  via National Contact Point
17–18.04.20242 daysCologne, GermanyICON-INSTITUT Public Sector GmbHDeadline: 05.02.2024