European Master in Official Statistics
The European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS) is a label awarded by the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC) to master’s programmes providing postgraduate education in the area of official statistics. It is a shared initiative by Eurostat, the European Statistical System (ESS) and the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), which aims to educate students in official statistics and data science to become highly skilled statisticians with expertise in official statistics, and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience between the European producers of official statistics and lecturers, researchers, and students in this field.
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Meet the EMOS network
EMOS Webinars
Designed for EMOS students and staff working in organisations producing official statistics. With speakers from Eurostat, EMOS university programmes, and official statistics producers, the EMOS webinar series offers a variety of topics and perspectives.
Meet EMOS students
Master’s Thesis Competition
The purpose of the EMOS Master’s Thesis Competition (MTC) is to reward outstanding master’s theses developed by students enrolled in EMOS-labelled master’s programmes. It seeks to highlight official statistics as a research topic and put forward young talents with innovative contributions.
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EMOS Workshops
EMOS workshops are organised regularly at EMOS labelled universities or their partners. They bring together representatives of the EMOS labelled master programmes, organisations producing official statistics, and EMOS students and graduates. The workshops are a unique opportunity for the members of the EMOS community to exchange views, experiences and ideas.
EMOS Universities
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Meet the EMOS team
Albrecht Wirthmann, Chair of the EMOS Board, Head of Unit - Methodology; Innovation in official statistics
Dario Buono, Team Leader of Methodology, ESTP and EMOS
Carola Carstens, Project Manager EMOS
Tina Steenvoorden, EMOS Team Member