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(NL) Utrecht University

Name of the master´s programme Methods and Statistics for the Behavioral, Biomedical, and Social Sciences
University Utrecht University
Short description of the master´s programme

Year 1: Strong foundation

In the first year, the Research Master students will gain a strong foundation in research methodology and applied statistics.

Year 2: Elective EMOS and (preparation for)  master's thesis

In the second year, the Research Master students  will take elective courses. In this year all activities related to EMOS will take place


General Information


Entrance criteria (note of Bachelor degree, language, other)

A Dutch academic bachelor’s degree in the social, biomedical or behavioural sciences, or a foreign academic bachelor degree that equals the level of that Dutch academic bachelor’s degree, for the programme’s admissions committee to decide. Students with another academic bachelor’s degree and a thorough training in formal models and/or quantitative analysis such as students with an academic bachelor’s degree in computer sciences, econometrics or mathematics can also be admitted to MSBBSS;


In addition for all programmes requirements for consideration for admission are:

  • GPA:
    • a minimum GPA in undergraduate studies of 3.4 (7.5 in the Dutch system). Candidates who do not meet this criterion, will be considered for admission in case they have at least a minimum GPA of 3.0 (7.0 in the Dutch system) and can compensate for the insufficient GPA by other capacities they have, according to the programme’s admissions committee;
    • students who attend one of the pre-master courses referred to in the first paragraph must earn a minimum GPA of 3.4 (7.5 in the Dutch system) for the courses in that pre-master course.
  • advanced knowledge of methods and statistics (approximately 20 credits) which entails (i) a basic course in introductory statistics including topics such: univariate descriptive statistics, correlation, univariate regression, one-way analysis of variance (both descriptive and inferential) and a basic course in the methodology of behavioural and/or social science research (experimentation, surveys, observational studies); (ii) knowledge of multivariate analysis tools such as factor analysis, reliability, multiple regression, analysis of variance, dummy variables; (iii) hands on experience with the tools just mentioned (for example, experience with SPSS);
  • one letter of recommendation for candidates with a Dutch preliminary training, two letters of recommendation for candidates with a foreign preliminary training.
Duration 2 years
Number of ECTS 120
Cooperation partners Statistics Netherlands
Start date September 2015
Valid until 2028

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