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(DE) University of Trier

Name of the master´s programme M.Sc. Survey Statistics
University Universität Trier
Short description of the master´s programme

The M.Sc. Survey Statistics is completely taught in English.

The M.Sc. Survey Statistics has a compulsory part (Survey Sampling, Monte-Carlo Simulation Methods, and Elements of Econometrics and Statistics). These courses represent 25 ECTS. Another 25 ECTS can be chosen from various courses in survey statistics including the EMOS core module. Further modules cover 20 ECTS from courses in statistics (statistical modelling, time series analysis, multivariate statistics, experimental design, and modern methods in statistics) and 10 ECTS from applications, statistics courses or an advanced EMOS module.

The Master programme is completed by a research project course (10 ECTS) that can be substituted by an internship, and the master's thesis (30 ECTS).

As an additional highlight, the M.Sc. Survey Statistics can be combined with other Master programmes as a double master, e.g. with economics, sociology, or mathematics.

A cooperation with Universität Bamberg and Freie Universität Berlin ensures a broad range of courses and lecturers.


General Information


Entrance criteria (note of Bachelor degree, language, other)

Students holding a bachelor's degree in

  • Mathematics, Business Mathematics, or Statistics,
  • Business Administration, Economics, or Sociology where 24 ECTS were earned in mathematics, statistics or quantitative methods,
  • a Bachelor programme related to those mentioned above where 30 ECTS were earned in mathematics, statistics or quantitative methods,

with a final grade of at least 2.0 are accepted.

The examination board will decide on the admission of students with a final grade of 2.1 through 2.5 on a single case basis. Such students need to attach a letter of motivation to their applications.

A good working knowledge of the statistical programming language R and of the English language are expected and crucial to a successful completion of the programme.

Applicants who do not hold the German degree of the "allgemeine oder fachgebundene Hochschulreife" have to prove their language proficiency in English by having passed one of the following tests, which should have been taken within the last three years:

  • TOEFL (TOEFL-code: 9208):

internet-based: at least 80 points; computer-based: at least 215 points;

paper-based: at least 550 points

  • Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English
  • IELTS with at least 6,0 points
  • UNIcert III
  • C1 certificate for CEF
  • Certificate of a degree in an English-speaking Bachelor's programme (or equivalent) in an English- or German-speaking country
Duration 2 years
Number of ECTS 120
Cooperation partners German Federal Statistical Office, Rhineland-Palatinate Statistical Office, and other institutions
Start date Autumn 2015
Valid until 2028

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