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(LU) University of Luxembourg

Name of the master´s programme Master of Science in Finance and Economics (MScFE)
University University of Luxembourg
Short description of the master´s programme The master in economics and finance aims at students wishing to obtain a comprehensive and sound education in finance. The course highlights the largely complementary nature of the theoretical analytical tools and their real life application. In addition to courses taught by the Professors of the University, professionals who are active in Luxembourg’s financial sector run seminars. Presentations of companies that offer work placements for students are also scheduled.

General Information


Entrance criteria (note of Bachelor degree, language, other) The Masters is accessible to students who hold a Bachelor degree in economic science, management, mathematics as applied to social sciences, or an equivalent diploma worth 180 ECTS. The applications are evaluated by the course directors of the master. The assessment focuses on knowledge of fundamental elements such as microeconomics, macroeconomics and statistics, as well as the previous grades obtained by the applicants in their Bachelor degree.
Duration 4 semesters
Number of ECTS 120
Cooperation partners STATEC (Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg)
Start date September 2017
Valid until 2024

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