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(ES) Complutense University of Madrid

Name of the master´s programmeMaster in Official Statistics and Social and Economic Indicators/
Máster Universitario en Estadísticas Oficiales e Indicadores Sociales y Económicos
UniversityComplutense University of Madrid/
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Country/City     Spain, Madrid
Short description of the master´s programme

The Master in Official Statistics and Social and Economic Indicators at Complutense University of Madrid is an on-site multidisciplinary program of 120 ECTS spanning two academic years. It has an afternoon schedule from Monday to Thursday and allows for full-time and part-time enrollment.

The Master's program trains students in the use of statistical models and methods for the analysis of social and economic phenomena, providing all the necessary background for the production of official statistics at the national, European or international contexts.

Given its multidisciplinary nature, the first semester is dedicated to a leveling module, during which students undertake various subjects tailored to their backgrounds. In the first year, students also engage in coursework covering “Statistics and Computing”, “Advanced Statistical Techniques” and “Social and Legal Sciences”. The first semester of the second year consists of the mandatory module in “Official Statistics”, alongside other elective and mandatory courses in “Advanced Statistical Techniques” and in Social and Economic Sciences. Finally, the second semester of the second year is dedicated to the internship at INE Spain or a Ministry, as well as the completion of the final master's thesis. 

Teaching languageThe courses within the “Official Statistics” module are fully conducted in English, while all other courses are conducted in Spanish.
Cooperation partnersINE Spain
Bank of Spain 
Year of the EMOS label awarded2020
EMOS label valid until2029
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