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(BE) KU Leuven (University of Leuven)

Name of the master´s programmeMaster of Science in Statistics and Data Science
UniversityKU Leuven (University of Leuven)
Short description of the master´s programme

The objective of the Master of Science in Statistics programme is to offer a wide-ranging training in statistics at a high scientific level aimed at a number of specific application fields: biomedical statistics, statistics used in the social, behavioral and educational sciences, statistics used in a business or government environment, or in the industry. In addition, there is a methodological and a broad all round option.

The aim is to train students intensively in both theoretical and practical aspects of statistics, to bring them in contact with basic concepts and methods and to create a problem-solving attitude with the aid of statistical methodology.

Lastly, the intention of the programme is to bring the student in contact with the different ways in which statistics is used in the various disciplines. This is realized in the different options, each of which is aimed at a particular application area and groups the most important statistical techniques used in this area. In this way, the student will get an insight into the various approaches and an idea of statistics as a discipline, as well as insight into domain-specific methods. This multidisciplinary approach is possible because the lecturers originate from many different departments and faculties and are actively engaged in research in the field of the courses they teach.

The available options are: Biometrics, Social behavioral and educational statistics, Business statistics, Industrial statistics, General statistical methodology, Official Statistics, and All round statistics. Within each option (except the last one), there is a research sub-option and a professional sub-option.

Quantitative Analysis in the Social Sciences (QASS) is a one year track within the Social, Behavioural and Educational Statistics option of the 2 year Master of Science in Statistics programme. It aims to improve methodological knowledge of students who acquired a Master degree in one of the behavioral sciences, such as sociology, psychology, political science, pedagogy, and economics. It also focuses on training students in advanced reasoning in quantitative analysis.


General Information


Entrance criteria (note of Bachelor degree, language, other)

Direct Admission


On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained in the Flemish Community:

Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven)

Bachelor in de biochemie en de biotechnologie (Leuven)

Bachelor in de biologie (Kortrijk, Leuven)

Bachelor in de biomedische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, Leuven)

Bachelor in de chemie (Kortrijk, Leuven)

Bachelor in de communicatiewetenschappen (Leuven)

Bachelor in de criminologische wetenschappen (Leuven)

Bachelor in de economische wetenschappen (Leuven)

Bachelor in de farmaceutische wetenschappen (Leuven)

Bachelor in de fysica (Kortrijk, Leuven)

Bachelor in de geneeskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven)

Bachelor in de geografie (Leuven)

Bachelor in de geologie (Leuven)

Bachelor in de informatica (Kortrijk, Leuven)

Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven)

Bachelor in de lichamelijke opvoeding en de bewegingswetenschappen (Leuven)

Bachelor in de onderwijskunde (Kortrijk)

Bachelor in de pedagogische wetenschappen (Leuven)

Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen en de sociologie (Leuven)

Bachelor in de psychologie (Leuven)

Bachelor in de revalidatiewetenschappen en de kinesitherapie (Leuven)

Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, Leuven)

Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur (Brussel, Leuven)

Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica (Leuven)

Bachelor in de wijsbegeerte (Leuven) (Optie Fysica)

Bachelor in de wiskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven)

Bachelor of Sciences
Bachelor of Applied Sciences and Engineering
Bachelor of Bioscience Engineering
Another Bachelor's degree with a sound introductory course in Statistics


After a preparatory programme, bridging programme or abridged bachelor programme


On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained in the Flemish Community:

Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven), after Bachelor in de economische wetenschappen (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de communicatiewetenschappen (Leuven), after Bachelor in de criminologische wetenschappen (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de economische wetenschappen (Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de economische wetenschappen (Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de fysica (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de fysica (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de fysica (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de fysica (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Aalst, Diepenbeek, Geel, Gent, Leuven, Oostende, Sint-Katelijne-Waver), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Aalst, Diepenbeek, Geel, Gent, Leuven, Oostende, Sint-Katelijne-Waver), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Aalst, Diepenbeek, Geel, Gent, Leuven, Oostende, Sint-Katelijne-Waver), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Aalst, Diepenbeek, Geel, Gent, Leuven, Oostende, Sint-Katelijne-Waver), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de informatica (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de informatica (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de informatica (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de informatica (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven), after Bachelor in de economische wetenschappen (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de lichamelijke opvoeding en de bewegingswetenschappen (Leuven), after Bachelor in de revalidatiewetenschappen en de kinesitherapie (Leuven, 102 sp.)

Bachelor in de pedagogische wetenschappen (Leuven), after Bachelor in de criminologische wetenschappen (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen en de sociologie (Leuven), after Bachelor in de economische wetenschappen (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen en de sociologie (Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen en de sociologie (Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen en de sociologie (Leuven), after Bachelor in de criminologische wetenschappen (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de rechten (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de economische wetenschappen (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de rechten (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de rechten (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de rechten (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de criminologische wetenschappen (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur (Brussel, Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica (Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de wijsbegeerte (Leuven) (Optie Psychologie), after Bachelor in de psychologie (Leuven, 60 sp.)

Bachelor in de wiskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de wiskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de wiskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica (Leuven, 120 sp.)

Bachelor in de wiskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven), after Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, 120 sp.)

Master in de lichamelijke opvoeding en de bewegingswetenschappen (Leuven), after Bachelor in de revalidatiewetenschappen en de kinesitherapie (Leuven, 83 sp.)



Applicants who are non-native speakers of English must provide evidence of English language proficiency.
* Applicants with a Belgian diploma: these applicants do not have to take an English proficiency test.
* Applicants with a university degree earned in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom or the USA: the certified diploma and transcripts suffice, provided they confirm that the entire university study was completed in English. Absolutely no other diplomas will be accepted as evidence even if the applicant has followed an exclusively English-taught programme.
* Other applicants should submit a satisfactory score on an internationally recognized test of English language proficiency: TOEFL (minimum score 94 internet-based with at least 19 for reading, 18 for Listening, 19 for speaking and 21 for writing) or IELTS (minimum score 7 overall, whilst at least 6,5 for reading, 6 for listening, 6 for speaking and 6 for writing).


For applicants from outside Belgium, comparability of the diploma is not always easily established.

Certified copies of transcripts and diplomas are required for all applicants. These documents also suffice for applicants from
* universities that have an exchange agreement with the Faculty of Science of KU Leuven
* universities that are in the global top 200 in the most recent Times Higher Education or QS rankings

Additional documentation is required for applicants from other universities as it is impossible for us to reliably assess the comparability. In those cases the admission board will take a positive decision only if supporting information is provided:
* a complete list of course titles for which you have obtained a credit should be part of this. Indicate the course size (in ECTS-credits) and the result you obtained, preferably according to the ECTS-scale; if a different scale is used, please provide an summary explanation on the meaning of the scores.
* for the courses that you deem most relevant as a preparation for the master that you are considering, provide a short (about one half to one page) description according to the standard guidelines for an ECTS-study guide.

All applicants must meet the following requirements:
*  Successful completion of an academic bachelor's degree with ordinary at least two courses in introductory statistics.
*  To strengthen their application, applicants may decide to take and provide results of a GRE/GMAT test.
*  Applicants should provide brief course descriptions of the statistical, mathematical and otherwise quantitative courses that they followed during their prior higher education.
*  The admission committee may propose to discuss an application with an applicant via a brief skype interview.

The Admissions Board evaluates all applications and has the final say on the admissibility of the student, taking into account the relevant information.Direct

On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained in the Flemish Community:

  • Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de biochemie en de biotechnologie (Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de biologie (Kortrijk, Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de biomedische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de chemie (Kortrijk, Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de communicatiewetenschappen (Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de criminologische wetenschappen (Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de economische wetenschappen (Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de farmaceutische wetenschappen (Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de fysica (Kortrijk, Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de geneeskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de geografie (Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de geologie (Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de informatica (Kortrijk, Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de lichamelijke opvoeding en de bewegingswetenschappen (Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de onderwijskunde (Kortrijk)
  • Bachelor in de pedagogische wetenschappen (Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen en de sociologie (Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de psychologie (Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de revalidatiewetenschappen en de kinesitherapie (Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur (Brussel, Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica (Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de wijsbegeerte (Leuven) (Optie Fysica)
  • Bachelor in de wiskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven)

Bachelor of Sciences
Bachelor of Applied Sciences and Engineering
Bachelor of Bioscience Engineering
Another Bachelor's degree with a sound introductory course in Statistics

Duration2 years
Number of ECTS120
Cooperation partners

Formal agreement: ADSEI (Statistics Belgium)

Formal agreement: National Bank Belgium

Available for internship and thesis topics: CBS (Stastistics Netherlands)

Formal agreement: Statistiek Vlaanderen

Start dateSeptember 2017
Valid until2029

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