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(IT) University of Firenze

Name of the master´s programmeStatistics and data science
UniversityUniversity of Firenze
Country/City    Italy, Firenze
Short description of the master´s programmeThe Master's programme in ‘Statistics and data science’ is a Laurea Magistrale (second-level university degree in the Italian system), training modern statisticians to analyse complex data. The lessons are held in Florence by teachers from the Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications "G. Parenti". The Master's programme has two curricula, namely 'Statistical Sciences' and 'Biostatistics'. Within the first year, the course offers a common core of teachings for both curricula (Calculus, Probability, Statistical inference, Statistical modelling, Computer science). The content of the second year depends on the selected curriculum, with the addition of other courses to be chosen by the student. Regardless of the selected curriculum, the student can enter the EMOS track, which includes a course on principles and practices of official statistics taught jointly with researchers from ISTAT, and a course on sampling methods. The track includes several semi-elective courses in related fields and an internship.
Teaching languageItalian/English 
Cooperation partnersItalian national statistical institute (ISTAT); statistics department of the municipality of Firenze
Year of the EMOS label awarded2015
EMOS label valid until2028
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