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EMOS requirements for students

The European Master in Official Statistics aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to work as statistical experts in national and international organisations, research institutions and private companies. This is achieved through a number of instructional methods. 

The compulsory elements for an EMOS graduate are the following:  
•    EMOS coursework delivered as part of the EMOS-labelled master’s programme curriculum.
•    Internship of a minimum duration of 8 weeks in National Statistical Institute (NSI), a statistical department of a National Central Bank (NCB), Other National Authority (ONA), an International Organisation (IO) or any other partner organisation  producing or dealing with statistics and data, as long as the internship focuses on work that is relevant to official statistics, which is steered and managed by the university as well as the host organisation.
•    Master’s thesis: the development of a master’s thesis supported by an NSI, NCB, ONA, an IO or any other partner organisation producing or dealing with statistics and data, as long as the thesis topic is relevant to official statistics and based on the EMOS learning outcomes.

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