Internships are a compulsory element for EMOS students who wish to complete the EMOS specialisation track and obtain the EMOS diploma supplement. They last for at least 8 weeks and focus on a topic relevant to official statistics. Internships can be carried out in the student's country of studies (in-country) or in a different country (cross-border), in a National Statistical Institute (NSI), Other National Authority (ONA), a National Central Bank, international organisation or any other organisation producing or dealing with statistics and data, as long as the internship focuses on work that is relevant to official statistics.
A total of 159 internships were carried out by EMOS students in 2022/2023 at 62 different organizations, based on reports by 30 EMOS-labelled universities. Three universities had not reported any internships performed in academic year 2022/2023.
Among the 62 intern host organisations, more than three quarters were NSIs, ONAs, regional statistical offices and public administration offices (145 out of 159). One internship took place in a European institution or international organization. The rest of the students completed their internships in private companies and research institutions (13).
In the academic year 2022/2023, 19 new organizations hosted EMOS interns. Some internships still took place fully or partly remotely but the number of remote internships substantially decreased in comparison to the previous year.
On average, internships lasted 13 weeks and included approximately 33 working hours per week.