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Integration of statistics and geospatial information – From geocoding to statistical maps - 2024


 Integration of statistics and geospatial information – from geocoding to statistical maps

Course Leader

Mirosław MIGACZ 

Target Group

Statisticians involved in the production and analysis of statistical data.

Focus on geocoding of data, data integration based on location, spatial analysis, and presentation of statistics on maps.

Entry Qualifications
  • Sound command of English. Participants should be able to make short interventions and to actively participate in discussions.

  • Basic computer skills, basic skills in working with tabular data (e.g. MS Excel).
  • No experience in GIS software is required.
  • Introduction to geographic information systems, geospatial standards, and the spatial data infrastructure in Europe.
  • Presenting the role of geospatial information in the statistical production process and statistical data dissemination.
  • Hands-on experience with GIS tools and thematic mapping.

The course should cover the following topics:

At least 1.5 days dedicated to:

  • An introduction to geospatial data and geospatial standards;
  • Finding geospatial data – a short introduction to geoportals, metadata and INSPIRE;
  • Geospatial information in statistical production:
  • Geocoding statistics
  • Which data are useful to georeference and geocode statistics, the difference between geocoding and georeference;
  • Geocoding statistics as part of the statistical production process – examples from census, social statistics, business statistics, transport statistics;
  • Focus on geocoding administrative data (e.g. population registers) using matching techniques (probabilistic and deterministic), public geocoders, problems with false matches.
  • How and when should statisticians use location to integrate data from various sources?
  • Geographical output systems for statistics – administrative geographies, statistical geographies, functional geographies, statistical grids – strengths and limitations of each system;

Furthermore: Using location for data analysis 

  • Spatial analysis using European statistics and other European open data 
  • Example 1: catchment areas for public services (airports, schools etc.); OR/AND 
  • Example 2: spatial analysis showing usage conflicts in spatial planning – integration of statistical and environmental data to illustrate conflicts between economic development and environmental protection 

Presenting and communicating statistics on maps: 

  • Statistical cartography 
  • Best practices for communicating statistics on maps; 
  • Tools for creating maps within statistical offices – emphasized
  • Static maps and online tools for presentation of statistical maps
Expected Outcome

Participants will gain basic understanding of geographic information systems (GIS), geospatial data features and processing. Participants will learn how to operate the open source QGIS Desktop software. Participants will gain knowledge on cartographic representation methods and will be able to join statistical and geospatial data in order to prepare presentations.

Training Methods
  • Presentations and lectures (incl. live demonstrations)
  • Exchange of views/experiences on national practices
  • Exercises


Required Reading 


Suggested Reading
Required Preparation



Mirosław Migacz (Independent expert) 

Amelia Wardzinska-Sharif (Independent expert)



Practical Information





Application  via National Contact Point


3 days

Cologne, Germany


Deadline: 02.09.2024