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ESSPROS – links with national accounts - 2024

ESSPROS – links with national accounts 
Course LeaderGilberto Gambini
Target GroupData providers in national administrations involved in the production of ESSPROS (European System of integrated Social Protection Statistics) data, with an interest in understanding the links between ESSPROS and national accounts and their potential use in the compilation of the ESSPROS data.
Entry Qualifications
  • Sound command of English. Participants should be able to make short interventions and to actively participate in discussions
  • Staff of national statistical institutes and other public administrations (e.g. ministries, social security funds, …etc.) involved in the production of ESSPROS data
  • Understanding of the concept of social protection and of related statistics and accounting systems at national level
  • The course will provide participants with a solid understanding of the links between ESSPROS and national accounts, related concepts and how to implement/exploit these links to identify and understand differences/similarities between the data produced by the two statistical systems.
  • Introduction to National accounts for ESSPROS data producers
  • Scope and accounting methods
  • Social protection expenditure and receipts in ESSPROS and national accounts
  • Practical considerations for establishing links
Expected OutcomeParticipants are expected to become familiar with the links between ESSPROS and national accounts. This means being enabled to exploit the conceptual links between ESSPROS and national accounts.
Training Methods
  • Presentations and lectures
  • Practical interactive exercises (e.g. case studies)
  • Group discussion
  • Exchange of views/experiences on national cases/practices
Required ReadingTraining materials
Suggested Reading

Introductory chapter of the latest edition of the ESSPROS Manual and user guidelines. Other chapters may also be read in advance, but this is not a prerequisite to the training.

The first three chapters of the latest edition of “Links and differences between Social Protection statistics (ESSPROS) and National Accounts”. Other chapters may also be read in advance, but this is not a prerequisite to the training.

Required PreparationParticipants should attempt to familiarise themselves with the social protection system in their countries and the main sources which are already used (or could be potentially used) to compile ESSPROS data for their country. In doing so participants can identify national examples whose treatment can be discussed and clarified during the training.

  • Mr Flavio Bianconi (independent expert)
  • Mr Duncan Coughtrie (independent expert)



Practical Information    
WhenDurationWhereOrganiserApplication  via National Contact Point
18-19.09.20242 daysONLINEEUROSTATDeadline: 09.08.2024