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Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA) - 2024

 Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA) 
Course LeaderPeter LAIMER
Target Group

Staff of national statistical authorities involved in the production process of tourism statistics, national accounts or (tourism) satellite accounts, who want to acquire a good understanding of the macro-economic measurement of the tourism sector, in particular the tourism satellite accounting framework (TSA), with the objective to develop or improve TSA in their country.

The training is targeted at experienced as well as novice or future TSA compilers with the aim of spreading/exchanging the know-how and best practices within and between the different levels of expertise.

Entry Qualifications
  • Sound command of English. Participants should be able to make short interventions and to actively participate in discussions
  • Sound knowledge of tourism statistics and/or national accounts (but the training is also open to junior statisticians)
  • The training course will introduce the theoretical and practical know-how of TSA compilation and will position TSA vis-à-vis primary tourism statistics.
  • The main compilation challenges for each TSA table (with a focus on core tables 1 to 7) will be discussed, with the aim of improving the international comparability through maximising the use of existing harmonised European statistics.
  • The final goal of the course is to prepare participants to embark on the production of TSA at national level or to improve the existing TSA and to better align national TSA to the international recommendations.
  • Brief introduction to TSA: history, user relevance, relation to primary tourism statistics, relation to other macro-economic measurement (national accounts, BOP travel item, tourism trade in value added), governance and institutional set-up
  • Basic concepts of National Accounts for TSA compilers
  • Essential and other conditions/sources for TSA compilation (I/O tables, SUT, tourism statistics, business statistics, etc.)
  • How to compile data on internal tourism consumption (TSA tables 1, 2, 4) - with exercises
  • How to compile a production account (TSA tables 5, 6) - with exercises
  • How to measure tourism employment (TSA table 7) – with exercises
  • Introduction to tourism gross fixed capital formation (TSA table 8), tourism collective consumption (TSA table 9) and non-monetary indicators (TSA table 10)
  • Selected measurement and compilation issues/challenges (topics selected jointly with the participants)
  • Communicating and disseminating TSA results to expert and non-expert audiences
  • Introduction to TSA at subnational level (incl. best practices)
  • Introduction to linking TSA and SEEA (environmental accounts) in the context of measuring sustainable tourism (MST)
Expected OutcomeImproved knowledge and understanding of the relevance of TSA, the conceptual framework and its relation to primary tourism statistics and to national accounts, and the main methodological challenges (and solutions) for compilation of TSA. At the end of the training, participants should be able to develop TSA or to improve existing TSA in their country in order to reach more harmonised and comparable TSA exercises in the European Union.
Training Methods

Example (please insert what applies to your course):

  • Presentations and lectures
  • Interactive questions & answers
  • Exchange of views/experiences on national practices
  • Practical exercises on paper and/or on the computer
Required ReadingNone
Suggested Reading
  • Tourism Satellite Accounts in Europe (2019 edition) [link]
  • Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework 2008 (TSA:RMF 2008) [link]
  • Methodological work on Tourism Satellite Accounts in the European Union – deliverables of the 2008-2009 Eurostat project [link]
  • Methodological manual for tourism statistics [link]
  • International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics (IRTS 2008) [link]
  • International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics (IRTS 2008), Compilation Guide [link]
  • OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2020 [link]
  • Workshop on Measuring the Economic Impact of Tourism in Europe: The Tourism satellite Account (TSA) [link]
Required PreparationParticipants are requested to write a short summary of their activities in their organisation (or relevant previous employers) and the state of the art of TSA works (if feasible). They are requested to express the reasons and motivation for applying to this training activity and to describe the practices, problems and experiences they face in the field of the course.


Peter LAIMER (Statistics Austria)

Pavel VANCURA (Independent expert)



Practical Information    
WhenDurationWhereOrganiserApplication  via National Contact Point
26-28.11.20243 daysCologne, GermanyICON-INSTITUT Public Sector GmbHDeadline: 30.09.2024