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Monetary environmental accounts – Part II - 2024

 Monetary environmental accounts – Part II 
Course LeaderSjoerd SCHENAU
Target Group
  1. Junior statisticians of environmental statistics or environmental accounts departments involved in compiling data on Environmental Goods and Services Sector (EGSS) Accounts, Environmental protection expenditure accounts (EPEA), environmental taxes or environmental subsidies and other transfers.
  2. Specialists in one of the areas listed above who need to improve their knowledge of the other areas listed above
  3. Managers with responsibility on several or all the areas listed above.


Entry Qualifications
  • Sound command of English. Participants should be able to make short interventions and to actively participate in discussions
  • Responsibilities include environmental statistics and/or accounts
Objective(s)The course will provide participants with training on the compilation of SEEA-CF monetary environmental accounts as requested by Regulation 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts (amended by Regulation 538/2014). Both a brief, overall introduction to the different accounts, including relevant definitions, classifications, and approaches to compilation will be covered. Introductions to each of the 3 main accounts, Environmental Taxes, EGSS, EPEA, plus some relevant extensions such as environmental subsidies and related transfers and ReMEA (resource management expenditure accounts) will be in focus. The course will make emphasis in putting together the practical difficulties that participants have in their offices to produce the monetary environmental accounts and discussing solutions and best practices.

Session on EGSS

  • Recap of the webinar: Framework for EGSS: purpose, basic definitions and units of measure, key indicators, Defining the scope of the environmental goods and services sector, Eurostat data requirements
  • Basic approaches to measure EGSS. Source data and compilation methods
  • Country example (prepared by one of the participants)
  • Practical challenges and how to address them (group discussion)
  • How to fill in the Eurostat EGSS questionnaire, pre-validation checks and key references (recap)
  • Exercise and/or quiz
  • Q&A


Session on EPEA

  • Recap of the webinar: Framework for EPEA. Objectives. Definitions. Methodologies, Eurostat data requirements
  • Basic approaches to compile EPEA. Source data for EPEA. Compilation methods. Balancing of the supply and use side.
  • Country example (prepared by one of the participants)
  • Practical challenges and how to address them (group discussion)
  • How to fill in the Eurostat EPEA questionnaire, validation checks (including with EGSS) and key references (recap)
  • Compilation of the main aggregate NEEP
  • Exercise and/or quiz
  • Q&A


Session on Environmental taxes, subsidies and other transfers

  • Environmental taxes: Concepts, definitions and breakdowns, Eurostat’s questionnaire, CO2 taxes and reporting of government revenue relating to emissions permits, Sources and compilation methods, Practical challenges.
  • Environmental subsidies and other transfers: Concepts, definitions and breakdowns, Eurostat’s questionnaire, Sources and compilation methods for env. subsidies and other transfers. Practical challenges.
  • Exercise and/or quiz
Expected OutcomeBetter understanding of monetary environmental accounts and basic knowledge on how to compile international questionnaires. Identification of possible solutions to practical challenges in the participants' home offices
Training Methods
  • Presentations and lectures
  • Exchange of views/experiences on national practices. Debate with participants of which are their challenges, putting in common possible solutions, discuss strengths and weaknesses, identify the solution that works best for each participant.
  • Exercises and quizzes
Required Reading


  • Regulation 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts and Regulation 538/2014


  • SEEA-CF Chapter IV

  • Relevant Eurostat questionnaires

Suggested Reading
  • For the integrated framework, reference documents are:


  • Draft UNSD technical notes on EGSS and EPEA:

  • Relevant Eurostat compilation manuals



Environmental subsidies and transfers:

Environmental taxes:

Required Preparation


  • Bring description of the EU required reporting for EGSS, EPEA, environmental taxes that your country does and identify at least one thing that needs improvement in each of these accounts (Hint: see quality reports!)
  • Bring a list of conceptual and compilation challenges in each participant's country for the monetary environmental accounts covered in the course.


Sjoerd SCHENAU (Statistics Netherlands)

Niels SCHOENAKER (Statistics Netherlands)

Jocelyn van BERKEL (Statistics Netherlands)



Practical Information    
WhenDurationWhereOrganiserApplication  via National Contact Point
05-06.06.20242 daysThe Hague, NetherlandsICON-INSTITUT Public Sector GmbHDeadline: 15.04.2024