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The European Statistical System (ESS) – its structure and ways of working - 2024

The European Statistical System (ESS) – its structure and ways of working
Course LeaderKim Volby Pedersen
Target GroupStaff members wishing to understand the framework and functioning of the European Statistical System (ESS) as well as staff who participate or will be participating in the meetings of committees, working groups and task forces.
Entry Qualifications
  • Sound command of English - participants should be able to make short interventions and to actively participate in discussions.
  • Some experience in participating in statistical forums would be an advantage.
  • Being familiar with the course documentation (see below).

The aim of the course is to:

  • give an overview of the functioning of ESS, including ESS procedures and concepts;
  • create understanding of the requirements originating from the EU cooperation
  • introduce in the relations of the European statistical world with EU institutions, the legal basis of the ESS, the decision-making process, the cooperation among the different stakeholders, etc.;
  • prepare participants and enable them to tackle the day-to-day challenges of the ESS system for the purpose of strengthening efforts and thereby increasing their involvement;
  • Train the participants in negotiating with colleagues from other European countries, including negotiation and presentation skills, effective oral communication and active participation in an ESS meeting..

During the course, participants will be introduced to:

  • a general overview of the European Union;
  • the legal basis of the ESS, including the statistical principles and the European Statistics Code of Practice (CoP);
  • the institutional structure and functioning of the ESS;
  • The European statistical programme 2021-2027 and its implementation.
  • the role of the partners within the ESS: Eurostat and Member States. The ESS governance bodies and their roles, the role of the Eurostat expert groups at working and management level
  • the external relations of the ESS; including relationships between ESS and Candidate Countries;
  • the ESS decision-making, institutional procedures and working methods;
  • Legislative procedures in statistics – from the expert groups to the Council Working Party in Statistics
  • ways of coordinating national participation in ESS meetings;
  • negotiation and presentation skills, effective oral communication and active participation in an ESS meeting;
  • new context and ESS challenges.
Expected Outcome

Participants will be:

  • made familiar with the institutional and procedural context in which they take part and its implications for day-to-day work conditions;
  • trained in preparation and participation in ESS meetings;
  • made acquitted with the decision-making process obtaining a general overview;
  • trained in interactions among all ESS partners and external stakeholders;
  • trained in negotiation skills with colleagues from other European countries;
  • made familiar with the European Statistical Programme, the European Statistics Code of Practice and other ESS instruments;
  • made acquainted with how we work together within the ESS as well as the future challenges of the ESS.
Training Methods
  • Presentations combined with exercises and discussions in subgroups.
  • Individual exercises.
  • Group work exchanging views and experiences on national practices.
  • Role plays where participants will have to prepare, undertake and evaluate ESS meetings dealing with an authentic statistical file.
Required ReadingThere is not a specific required reading although it would be recommendable that participants familiarise themselves with the material for the role plays prior to the course.
Suggested Reading

Course material will be available at Circabc prior to the course with which participants are also recommended to familiarise themselves. Prior to the meeting a few selected basic materials will be suggested.

Additionally, the course participants will be provided with a binder containing selected course material as well as reference to Circabc

Required PreparationSee ‘Required and suggested reading’.

  • Kim Voldby Pedersen (Statistics Denmark)
  • Tjanna Liv Pauli (Statistics Denmark)
  • Christian Andreasen (Statistics Denmark)
  • Yolanda Gomez Menchon (INE Spain)
  • Ana Cánovas (INE Spain)
  • Christian Andreasen (Statistics Denmark)





WhenDurationWhereOrganiserAPPLICATION VIA National Contact Point



3 daysSlangerup, Denmark


Public Sector GmbH

Deadline: 08.07.2024