Introduction to experimental Ecosystem Extent and Services Accounting based on SEEA-EA | |
Course Leader | Sjoerd SCHENAU |
Target Group | NSIs and Other National Authorities (with lower priority), working in the field of ecosystem accounting. |
Entry Qualifications | - Sound command of English. Participants should be able to make short interventions and to actively participate in discussions;
- Knowledge of national statistics, such as measures of economic output and performance (e.g. GDP).
Objective(s) | - Provide an overview of the key concepts of SEEA ecosystem accounting;
- Provide an overview of how national ecosystem accounts are constructed, and how they relate to ‘mainstream’ environmental and national accounting,
- Provide understanding the data and tools used to construct the component parts of the accounts (e.g. spatial and environmental data in GIS for ecosystem extent; ecosystem services evidence; monetary valuation techniques).
Contents | Session 1: Introduction to SEEA ecosystem accounting - Short introduction into policy context: MAES, New Biodiversity Strategy for 2030
- Overview of concepts and methodology as set out in SEEA-EA.
- Description of SEEA-EA ecosystem core accounts
- SEEA-EA vs. national accounts (SNA): differences and consistencies
- SEEA EA vs. SEEA CF: differences and overlaps
- Developments at Eurostat
- Session 2: Spatial units for ecosystem accounting
- Types of spatial units
- Delineating ecosystem assets
- Classifications for ecosystem types
- Data criteria for ecosystem accounting (i.e. spatial reference, format, etc.)
- Session 3: Introduction to data needs, GIS spatial analysis and map production
- Core datasets for the production of ecosystem extent and some ecosystem services accounts
- The following GIS working steps will be presented an discussed: Data loading, integration of different data sets (e.g. raster and vector) using GIS tools, production of maps
- Exercise
Session 4: compiling ecosystem extent accounts - SEEA-EA extent accounts: key concepts.
- Policy uses and indicators for the ecosystem extent accounts
- Country example how to build ecosystem extent accounts: data extraction from GIS, building accounts from extracted datasets
- Practical exercise
Session 5: Compiling ecosystem service accounts - SEEA-EA service accounts: key concepts
- Policy uses and indicators for the ecosystem service accounts
- Introduction to the SEEA EA reference list for ecosystem services and CICES (Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services)
- Introduction to the concepts of potential flow, unmet demand
- Overview of existing tools and models for mapping and accounting for ecosystem services (at different levels of ambition; in this course only the most simple tools are applied, with preference to Free and Open Source tools).
- Country example how to compile ecosystem service maps and build ecosystem services accounts for a few selected services
- Practical exercise
Session 6: Condition accounts - Condition accounts: key concepts
- Potential indicators
- Possible applications
- Outstanding issues
Session 7: Monetary ecosystem accounts - Key concepts for monetary valuation
- SEEA EA Monetary accounts for ecosystem services and monetary asset accounts
- Key challenges in monetary valuation
- Exercise
Session 8: Thematic accounts - SEEA-EA thematic accounts: concepts
- Carbon accounts, biodiversity accounts, marine accounts
Session 9: Country specific case study on ecosystem service accounting - application of learned concepts and methods to local or regional case - Participants to propose datasets, accounting variables, etc. for a specific and locally or regionally relevant ecosystem accounts and to prepare a mock-up ecosystem services account in excel.
- Short presentation of selected case + discussion of challenges, selected indicators, data availability at national/ regional level, resulting analytical options.
- Group discussion
Expected Outcome | The course will provide participants with training on the compilation of SEEA-ecosystem accounts. This will support countries to develop these accounts in detail – how to develop specific studies on components of the accounts (e.g. for specific ecosystems and/or services) that will build up the national picture. |
Training Methods | - Presentations and lectures
- Exchange of views/experiences on national practices. Debate with participants of which are their challenges, putting in common possible solutions, discuss strengths and weaknesses, identify the solution that works best for each participant.
- Exercises and quizzes
Required Reading | Extracts of SEEA EA (the revised document will become available in de beginning of 2021) – to be announced |
Suggested Reading | - Background information on SEEA EEA revision: - Ecosystem accounts in the Netherlands - Ecosystem accounts in the United Kingdom |
Required Preparation | - Understand objectives of the SEEA-EA guidelines.
- Knowledge of relevant national approach/priorities/timescale to develop national ecosystem accounts.
Lecturer(s) | Sjoerd SCHENAU (Statistics Netherlands) Patrick BOGAART (Statistics Netherlands) Linda de JONGH (Statistics Netherlands) Rixt de JONGH (Statistics Netherlands) Jocelyn van BERKEL (Statistics Netherlands) |