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Balance of payments - Introductory course - 2024

Balance of payments - Introductory course 
Course LeaderRafaël CEZAR
Target GroupStaff members in the field of National Accounts (NA) and Balance of Payment (BoP) departments in National Statistical Offices and National Banks.
Entry Qualifications
  • Sound command of English. Participants should be able to make short interventions and to actively participate in discussions
  • Basic knowledge of Economics and Statistics
  • The course aims at providing a sound knowledge on the elaboration and use of statistics on : trade in goods, services, travel, financial flows, trade in value added, use of bop and IIP statistics

The course will aim at providing participants with basic concepts and classifications regarding :

  • Goods and services account 
  • Primary income account
  • Secondary income account
  • Capital account
  • Putting all accounts together – complete balance of payments, errors and omissions
  • International investment position and financial account
  • Compiling aggregates for currency unions and economic union
  • Main data sources and data compilation issues
  • Data quality issues: consistency with the national accounts, bilateral asymmetries with partner statistics (intra-EU, external)
  • Economic analysis of BoP statistics:  trade in value added, measurement of GVC ; CO2 content in trade, effect of pandemics
Expected OutcomeParticipants acquire an advanced knowledge of the overall framework and main items in the elaboration of BoP data, the articulation with national accounts, and main usages of BoP and IIP data for economic analysis
Training MethodsFormal presentation, practical exercises, roundtable, workshops
Required ReadingNone
Suggested Reading


Required PreparationNone


Rafaël CEZAR (independent expert)

Cécile GOLFIER (independent expert)

Florian LE GALLO (independent expert)



Practical Information    
WhenDurationWhereOrganiserApplication  via National Contact Point
13–14.03.20242 days



ICON INSTITUT Public Sector GmbHDeadline: 15.01.2024