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Webinars 2018

Opening of the 2018 series of EMOS webinars

Mariana Kotzeva, Åsa Jacob, Aaron Cachia and Dietmar Maass, Eurostat


European System of Central Banks (ESCB) statistics


Aurel Schubert, ECBPresentation
Web surveysVasja Vehovar and Nejc Berzelak, University of LjubljanaPresentation
Innovations in business statistics data collectionGer Snijkers, Statistics NetherlandsPresentation
Statistical monitoring of sustainable development at global, EU and national level (with a case study of Poland)

Nicola Massarelli, Eurostat

Monika Gorzelak, Statistics Poland





Big data methods and techniquesPiet Daas and Marco Puts, Statistics NetherlandsPresentation
How to integrate information from different data files? An introduction to statistical matchingEva Endres  and Thomas Augustin, University of MunichPresentation
Introduction to statistical data editingRudi Seljak, Statistical Office of the Republic of SloveniaPresentation
From books to social media, from general public to specific user groupsMaja Pekeč, Croatian Bureau of Statistics Ewelina Konarska – Michalczyk, Statistics Poland



Experimental statistics: new methods for new data

Martin Karlberg, Eurostat, 

Pierre Lamarche, INSEE

Statistical analysis of incomplete dataFlorian Meinfelder, University of BambergPresentation
Reflections about the role of official statisticsWalter J. Radermacher, University La Sapienza, RomePresentation

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