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Webinars 2020

What is a Trusted Smart Statistics?

Opening by Mariana Kotzeva, Director-General Eurostat

Albrecht Wirthmann, Eurostat 

Circular economy: how to measure when we have no measure?Gustavo Longaray Moraga, Ghent UniversityPresentation
Statistical Disclosure Control: Where do we go from here?Natalie Shlomo, University of ManchesterPresentation
Consumer price indices: from traditional to new data sources and techniquesJens Mehrhoff, BundesbankPresentation
R, Python, Julia: do you known them all?Mark van der Loo, CBSPresentation
Communicating the uncertainty in official dataEdwin de Jonge, CBSPresentation
Demographic change and official statistics    Daniele Vignoli, University of Florence 
Eleonora Meli, ISTAT
The use of geo-spatial data in official statisticsHannes Reuter, Eurostat – European CommissionPresentation
Small area estimation for mapping local indicatorsMonica Pratesi, University of PisaPresentation
Mixed-mode surveysEdith de Leeuw , Anne Elevelt, Utrecht UniversityPresentation
The mode effect in mixed-mode surveysClaudia De Vitiis, Francesca Inglese, ISTATPresentation
Recent developments in publishing statisticsTim Allen, Eurostat Presentation
Beyond GDP: what have we accomplished so far?    Marco Mira D’Ercole, OECDPresentation

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