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Quality checklists for the metadata files


1. Introduction

2. General quality checklist for the short and full metadata files

3. Content quality checklist for the short metadata files concepts


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Last reviewed: 20-12-2024
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1. Introduction

Ensuring the integrity and reliability of metadata files is crucial for the success of any data-driven project or initiative. The quality requirements outlined in this checklist are provided as guidance to support stakeholders in creating high-quality metadata files, helping to guarantee that they meet the highest standards of accuracy, completeness, and consistency. It is important that these quality requirements are respected and implemented rigorously, as non-compliance can lead to errors, inconsistencies, and inaccuracies that can have far-reaching consequences. 

The quality checklist is designed to be used as a resource during the metadata creation process, to ensure that all necessary quality criteria are met. For any questions or concerns about the quality requirements or the metadata validation process, please refer to our FAQs on quality requirements for metadata files and FAQs on accessibility requirements for metadata files. These resources provide answers to the frequently asked questions and offer additional guidance to support your efforts. 

By adhering to these quality requirements, metadata files can be trusted to provide a solid foundation for data analysis, decision-making, and knowledge sharing. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact Eurostat metadata team at


2. General quality checks for the short and full metadata files

This section outlines the quality requirements for metadata files organised by user group and topic. It provides tips and solutions to help achieve these quality requirements. The "Quality Measures Errors and FAQs" column provides information on:

  • Potential ESS-MH Quality measures errors that may occur if a requirement is not met. 
  • Links to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that address common issues and provide guidance on resolving them.

For easy reference, the general quality checklist is divided into two parts, catering to the specific needs of:

  1. Domain managers: This section addresses the quality requirements and checks relevant to Domain Managers, ensuring they can effectively manage and maintain metadata files.
  2. National providers: This section focuses on the quality requirements and checks specific to National Providers, helping them to create and submit high-quality metadata files.


2.1 General quality checklist for Domain managers

General quality checklist for Domain managers is structured in the following topics:


2.1.1 Quality measures

Quality requirementTips to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
Unwanted HTML tags (particularly the red colored) have to be corrected. 

"Unwanted" tags

See FAQ.

Broken/inactive links,  including links to CIRCABC private groups have to be revised and corrected.
  • If there are broken/inactive links, please check and correct.
  • If the CIRCABC group is “private” (chosen by the domain manager intentionally or not), contact the domain manager to change to “public”. 

Broken links

See FAQ 1 and FAQ 2.   

Images have to be referenced. 

Invalid images

See FAQ.

The size of the tables should be in %, if the size of the tables is in inches, please correct.

Quality measures feature in ESS-MH is identifying the following error:

  • Table with px defined

Solution: If yes, modify to Table width 100%.

Table width px defined

See FAQ.

Tables should have single borders, if they are missing, or if they are doubled, please correct.Modify the table settings in ESS-MH Editing wizard and write 1 in the field of Cell Spacing.

Table borders

See FAQ.

Error called "Nowrap", identified by the Quality measures have to be corrected.To correct it, click on “HTML” button in the Editing wizard toolbar, look for the text “nowrap=nowrap” and delete it (“nowrap=nowrap”).

Nowrap error

See FAQ.

Font and size for the text have to be respected. 

"Unwanted" tags


Tables should have the first Row and Column (if applicable) marked as Headers.Modify the table settings in ESS-MH Editing wizard and mark the first row and column (if applicable) as headers

"HTML tags for review"

See FAQ.

Lists have to be created by using the built-in markup tools of the Editing wizard. 

"List markers for review"

See FAQ.


2.1.2 Layout and format

Quality requirementTip to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
The correct metadata template have to be applied.Compare to other files in the same metadata flow, compare to other files from previous years (if applicable), double check under Templates for the respective metadata flow and reference year. 
Restrictions on content publication have to be respected by marking as restricted the respective concepts. 

Restricted from publication of concepts (on Metadata file level) (in the Quality measures)

Restricted flag mismatch (in the downloaded Quality measure file)

See FAQ.

Make sure that the 'restricted for publication' flag for concepts, files and/or Annexes is correct. Check if there are inconsistencies with the provided template. To note that the Quality measure feature of ESS-MH is identifying only the inconsistencies for the "restricted for publication" at the concept level, while the inconsistencies for the "restricted for publication" for the attached annexes should be checked manually.

Restricted from publication of concepts (on Metadata file level) (in the Quality measures)

Restricted flag mismatch (in the downloaded Quality measure file)

See FAQ 1 and FAQ 2.


2.1.3 Comprehensibility

Quality requirementTip to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
The content should be clear to understand and the abbreviations explained. See FAQ.
The titles of tables/images should be well written.They should be complete and include everything that is presented in the table/image so that the user can easily grasp the content.See FAQ.


2.1.4 Completeness

Quality requirementTip to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
Make sure that the mandatory and non-mandatory concepts are filled, references to Annexes (Files or URLs) correct (at both concept and file levels), images displayed, cross-references to other sections of metadata file correct.

Mandatory concepts: If mandatory concepts are not filled in, this will be shown in a pop-up message that will appear when clicking the Summary button of the Editing wizard.

References: The references should have a pointing title so that the user can easily grasp to which content it will lead them.

See FAQ.


2.1.5 Clarity of information

Quality requirementTip to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
The information should be plausible, accurate, and exhaustive.  
Missing information from the metadata file should be clearly explained. Unspecific terms such as -, n.a., N/A etc., are not allowed.

Standard use of categories should be used, such as Not applicable / Not available or Not requested / Not required.

The following can be considered reasons of information missing:

  1. When data or information is not (or not fully) available, basic information should be inserted (e.g. covering the main quality criteria and if possible the core set of quality indicators which are in principle applicable)
  2. This may be a general sentence, such as: "The information on quality is currently restricted to the following aspects: …. More complete information on quality is expected to be delivered by Member States for the data referring to yy/mm and to be published by Eurostat yy/mm…."
  3. If no information is available this should be flagged in the metadata file and clearly indicated when information will be available. It should be recognized that the metadata on quality for statistics based on gentlemen agreements are likely to be more difficult to collect and therefore expected to be less complete than for statistics covered by well-established legislative frameworks.
  4. Not applicable refers to cases where a concept is not relevant.
See FAQ.


2.1.6 Language

Quality requirementTip to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
Metadata should be written in English. To be noted that exception from this case is for the title of publications, news releases, laws, name of the questionnaires, NUTS regions etc. which should be accompanied with a translation in English of these titles.To be noted that English is the standard language for all metadata files, if extended content is in any other language, it should be flagged. To be noted that exception from this case is for the title of publications, news releases, laws, name of the questionnaires, NUTS regions etc. which should be accompanied with a translation in English of these titles.
If other than English words are used, and not part of the exception mentioned above – reject the file.
See FAQ.


2.1.7 Images

Quality requirementTip to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
Pictures/screenshots of text and tables are not allowed.If the file contains screenshots/pictures of text and tables, reject the file and ask that the text and tables to be inserted as text and tables.See FAQ.


2.1.8 General checks

Quality requirementTip to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
If an annex is required, it should be completed correctly. Ensure that the annex structure is consistent, avoid reloading the annex while keeping an empty version, and update any outdated information from last year's annex. See FAQ.
The link should correspond to the document opened in the browser. If it does not, please verify and correct the link.  
The European / national file should appear online in the Navigation tree. If they do not, please investigate and resolve the issue.

Solutions for Eurostat domain manager:

  1. Clear browser data (ex. cache)
  2. If the file still does not appear, contact Eurostat metadata support team after the publication.
If the metadata file was previously rejected, the reasons for rejection should have been addressed and corrected in the latest version. Please verify that all issues have been solved.The reasons for rejection / comments should be considered for further review of the file.  
There should not be any empty lines displayed at the end of the text of a concept when viewing the metadata file in both Full view and Disseminated view. Please check and remove any unnecessary empty lines if present.Solution: take note of the concepts and manually delete the empty rows. See FAQ.
There should be no text in the 'non-editable concepts' (typically related to Level 1 concepts). Please ensure these fields remain empty by moving the content to another concept or by deleting the existing content.

The content of these concepts, depending on the type of information, should be either:

  1. deleted, or
  2. moved in some sub-concepts.

To do these actions:

Eurostat users should click on the button "Force edit" feature available in the Editing wizard of the ESS-MH.

In addition, Eurostat B1 metadata team should be alerted and asked to mark such concepts 'non-mandatory' (in case they were wrongly marked as 'mandatory' before), so the files can be sent for validation.



2.1.9 Accessibility

Quality requirementTip to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
The Accessibility features should be used to detect any errors in the content. Please ensure that identified issues are addressed and corrected in order to respect the accessibility guidelines.

Make use of the Accessibility guidelines and the available FAQs to correct any issues.


Annexes (including tables and/or documents) should comply with the Accessibility guidelines. 

Check each file according to the Accessibility guidelines.

If the files in the Annexes are not respecting the Accessibility guidelines, the metadata file risks to not be published.



2.2 General quality checklist for National providers

General quality checklist for National providers is structured in the following topics:


2.2.1 Quality measures

Quality requirementTip to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
Unwanted HTML tags (particularly the red colored) have to be corrected. 

"Unwanted" tags

See FAQ.

Broken/inactive links,  including links to CIRCABC private groups have to be revised and corrected.
  • If there are broken/inactive links, please check and correct.
  • If the CIRCABC group is “private” (chosen by the domain manager intentionally or not), contact the domain manager to change to “public”. 

Broken links

See FAQ 1 and FAQ 2.

Images have to be referenced. 

Invalid images

See FAQ.

The size of the tables should be in %, if the size of the tables is in inches, please correct.

Quality measures feature in ESS-MH is identifying the following error:

  • Table with px defined

Solution: If yes, modify to Table width 100%.

Table width px defined

See FAQ.

Tables should have single borders, if they are missing, or if they are doubled, please correct.Modify the table settings in ESS-MH Editing wizard and write 1 in the field of Cell Spacing. 

Table borders

See FAQ.

Error called "Nowrap", identified by the Quality measures have to be corrected.To correct it, click on “HTML” button in the Editing wizard toolbar, look for the text “nowrap=nowrap” and delete it (“nowrap=nowrap”).

Nowrap error

See FAQ.

Font and size for the text have to be respected. 

"Unwanted" tags



2.2.2 Layout and format

Quality requirementTip to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
The correct metadata template have to be applied.Compare to other files in the same metadata flow, compare to other files from previous years (if applicable), double check under Templates for the respective metadata flow and reference year. 
Restrictions on content publication have to be respected by marking as restricted the respective concepts. 

Restricted from publication of concepts (on Metadata file level) (in the Quality measures)

Restricted flag mismatch (in the downloaded Quality measure file)

See FAQ.

Make sure that the 'restricted for publication' flag for concepts, files and/or Annexes is correct. Check if there are inconsistencies with the provided template. To note that the Quality measure feature of ESS-MH is identifying only the inconsistencies for the "restricted for publication" at the concept level, while the inconsistencies for the "restricted for publication" for the attached annexes should be checked manually.

Restricted from publication of concepts (on Metadata file level) (in the Quality measures)

Restricted flag mismatch (in the downloaded Quality measure file)

See FAQ 1 and FAQ 2.


2.2.3 Comprehensibility

Quality requirementTip to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
The content should be clear to understand and the abbreviations explained. See FAQ.
The titles of tables/images should be well written.They should be complete and include everything that is presented in the table/image so that the user can easily grasp the content.See FAQ.


2.2.4 Completeness

Quality requirementTip to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
Make sure that the mandatory and non-mandatory concepts are filled, references to Annexes (Files or URLs) correct (at both concept and file levels), images displayed, cross-references to other sections of metadata file correct.

Mandatory concepts: If mandatory concepts are not filled in, this will be shown in a pop-up message that will appear when clicking the Summary button of the Editing wizard.

References: The references should have a pointing title so that the user can easily grasp to which content it will lead them.

See FAQ.


2.2.5 Clarity of information

Quality requirementTip to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
The information should be plausible, accurate, and exhaustive.  
Missing information from the metadata file should be clearly explained. Unspecific terms such as -, n.a., N/A etc., are not allowed.

Standard use of categories should be used, such as Not applicable / Not available or Not requested / Not required.

The following can be considered reasons of information missing:

  1. When data or information is not (or not fully) available, basic information should be inserted (e.g. covering the main quality criteria and if possible the core set of quality indicators which are in principle applicable)
  2. This may be a general sentence, such as: "The information on quality is currently restricted to the following aspects: …. More complete information on quality is expected to be delivered by Member States for the data referring to yy/mm and to be published by Eurostat yy/mm…." 
  3. If no information is available this should be flagged in the metadata file and clearly indicated when information will be available. It should be recognized that the metadata on quality for statistics based on gentlemen agreements are likely to be more difficult to collect and therefore expected to be less complete than for statistics covered by well-established legislative frameworks.
  4. Not applicable refers to cases where a concept is not relevant
See FAQ.


2.2.6 Language

Quality requirementTip to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
Metadata should be written in English. To be noted that exception from this case is for the title of publications, news releases, laws, name of the questionnaires, NUTS regions etc. which should be accompanied with a translation in English of these titles.To be noted that English is the standard language for all metadata files, if extended content is in any other language, it should be flagged. To be noted that exception from this case is for the title of publications, news releases, laws, name of the questionnaires, NUTS regions etc. which should be accompanied with a translation in English of these titles.
If other than English words are used, and not part of the exception mentioned above – reject the file.
See FAQ.


2.2.7 Images

Quality requirementTip to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
Pictures/screenshots of text and tables are not allowed.     See FAQ.


2.2.8 General checks

Quality requirementTip to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
If an annex is required, it should be completed correctly. Ensure that the annex structure is consistent, avoid reloading the annex while keeping an empty version, and update any outdated information from last year's annex. See FAQ.
The link should correspond to the document opened in the browser. If it does not, please verify and correct the link.  
There should not be any empty lines displayed at the end of the text of a concept when viewing the metadata file in both Full view and Disseminated view. Please check and remove any unnecessary empty lines if present.Solution: take note of the concepts and manually delete the empty rows. See FAQ.
There should be no text in the 'non-editable concepts' (typically related to Level 1 concepts). Please ensure these fields remain empty by moving the content to another concept or by deleting the existing content.

The content of these concepts, depending on the type of information, should be either:

  1. deleted, or 
  2. moved in some sub-concepts.

To do these actions:

National data providers should send an email to to ask for help.

In addition, Eurostat B1 metadata team should be alerted and asked to mark such concepts 'non-mandatory' (in case they were wrongly marked as 'mandatory' before), so the files can be sent for validation.



2.2.9 Accessibility

Quality requirementTip to check / SolutionQuality measure errors and FAQs
The Accessibility features should be used to detect any errors in the content. Please ensure that identified issues are addressed and corrected in order to respect the accessibility guidelines.

Make use of the Accessibility guidelines and the available FAQs to correct any issues.


Annexes (including tables and/or documents) should comply with the Accessibility guidelines. 

Check each file according to the Accessibility guidelines.

If the files in the Annexes are not respecting the Accessibility guidelines, the metadata file risks to not be published.



3. Content quality checklist for the short metadata files concepts

This section provides guidelines for the quality checks to be performed on the 15 concepts shown by default to all users upon publication on Eurostat's website. This checklist is intended to guide the stakeholders and ensure that particular attention is paid to applying the guidelines available in the European Statistical System (ESS) handbook for quality and metadata reports for these important and highly visible concepts. For more detailed information, including examples on how to write the content of a metadata file, it is recommended to consult the ESS handbook for quality and metadata reports.

The content quality checklist is intended for both Domain Managers and National Providers. Some guidelines are specific to either Domain Managers or National Providers, and these exceptions are noted alongside the respective guidelines (for example "user group: National providers").


3.1 All 15 concepts

  • Check and ensure that some keywords referring to phased out IT systems (e.g. RAMON, STADIUM) are not present.


3.2 Metadata last update

  • The date when any metadata were last updated should be provided.


3.3 Data description

  • Describe briefly the main characteristics of the data in an easily and quickly understandable manner, referring to the main variables disseminated.


3.4 Statistical concepts and definitions

  • Define and describe briefly the main statistical variables that have been observed or derived.
  • References should be made to ESS or methodologies/standards, guidelines, or good practices on which the concepts and definitions that are used for compiling the statistics are based.
  • European level: Summarise the national discrepancies from the ESS and/or international standards. (user group: Domain managers)


3.5 Statistical unit

  • Define the type of statistical unit about which data are collected (e.g. enterprise, kind of activity unit, local unit, private household, dwelling, person, import transaction). If there is more than one type of unit, define each type.
  • European level: Summarise the differences in statistical units among the countries. (user group: Domain managers)


3.6 Statistical population

  • Define and describe the target population of statistical units for which information is collected.
  • European level: Summarise the differences in statistical population among the countries. (user group: Domain managers)


3.7 Reference area

  • Describe the country, the regions, the districts, or the other geographical aggregates, to which the data refer.
  • Identify and describe any specific exclusions in the data disseminated.
  • If coverage includes overseas territories this should be stated, and they should be specified.


3.8 Reference period

  • Describe the reference period (for example, the last week of a month, a month, a fiscal year, a calendar year, or several calendar years), or the point in time (for example, a specific day, or the last day of a month).
    The variables in a dataset may refer to more than one reference period. All reference periods should be stated.


3.9 Base period

  • Report the base period, if applicable.


3.10 Unit of measure

  • Describe all the units of measure used within the data domain.
  • References should be made to ESS or methodologies/standards, guidelines, or good practices for unit of measure.


3.11 Frequency of dissemination

  • State the frequency with which the data are disseminated, e.g. monthly, quarterly, yearly.


3.12 Timeliness

  • The timeliness should be quantified (e.g. Number of months between data availability and the event or phenomenon the data described).
  • Describe the reasons for the time lag, especially when it could be considered by users to be very long.


3.13 Comparability - geographical

  • Describe any problems of comparability between regions of the country. Please ensure that these issues are clearly documented and addressed in the metadata. (user group: National providers)
  • Describe any problems of comparability between countries. Please ensure that these issues are clearly documented and addressed in the metadata. (user group: Domain managers)
  • Provide a quantitative assessment of the possible effects on the output if there are problems of comparability between regions. 
  • Reference should be made to the ESS or relevant methodologies, standards, guidelines, or good practices when addressing comparability differences.


3.14 Comparability - over time

  • The metadata should provide information on any possible limitations in using the data for comparisons over time. Ensure that these limitations are clearly documented and explained.


3.15 Source data

  • Indicate each data source used (survey, administrative data, multisource data, or macro-aggregates). (user group: National providers)
  • Describe each data source used across countries. Ensure that all sources are clearly documented and any relevant details are included in the metadata. (user group: Domain managers)
  • Describe the the sample design if the source of the data is based on a survey. 
  • Describe the combination of data sources.


3.16 Data compilation

  • Describe the imputation procedures, if applicable. Ensure that the metadata includes a clear explanation of the methods and approaches used for imputation.
  • Describe the most common reasons for imputation, if applicable. Ensure that these reasons are clearly outlined and explained in the metadata.
  • If imputation procedures were performed on the data, the imputation rates within each of the main strata should be specified. 
  • Describe the procedures used to derive new variables, calculate aggregates, and produce complex statistics.
  • The procedures for adjustment for non-response, including corrections to the design weights to account for differences in response rates, should be described, if applicable.
  • The calculation of design weights, including any calibration methods used, should be described, if applicable.
  • The procedures for combining input data from different sources, if used, should be described.