Access to microdata for scientific purposes
in European countries
Access to microdata for scientific purposes in Portugal
Name of the microdata access service
Instituto Nacional de Estatística (National Institute of Statistics)
Postal address
Av. António José de Almeida
1000-043 Lisboa (Portugal)
Access conditions
General conditions
The scientific community has special needs in terms of statistical information, namely for the development of research work and for the preparation of Master's and PhD theses.
In this context, Statistics Portugal has signed a protocol with the Directorate-General for Education and Science Statistics (DGEEC) and the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. (FCT) to facilitate researchers' access to the statistical information they need to carry out their work.
To this end, the Directorate-General for Education and Science Statistics carries out the previous accreditation (online) of the interested parties, also providing them with all the necessary information.
For each scientific research project, an accreditation request must be made to the DGEEC, which must include the following documents:
- Accreditation request form
- Declaration of commitment (draft)
- GDPR Privacy Notice and Consent
Before proceeding with the accreditation request, researchers must consult the databases accessible within the scope of this protocol.
The accreditation of researchers is only carried out for access to databases available within the scope of this project. Free access to statistical micro-data bases for research purposes is possible to accredited researchers, according to the Protocol established with Statistics Portugal.
Some of these micro-data bases are only available for access in a safe centre environment. Statistics Portugal has 4 safe centres located in the headquarters building in Lisbon, in its Regional Delegations in Coimbra and Porto, and a remote safe centre in the Regional Directorate of Statistics of Madeira (DREM). The use of these safe centres has its own rules. The standard software installed on the safe center PCs is SPSS, R and Stata. Use of the safe centers is subject to prior booking.
Note: remote access is not yet implemented.
Conditions for non-resident researchers
Non-resident researchers can access statistical data under the same conditions as the Portuguese if they are in a Foundation for Science and Technology Portuguese training scholarship, if they participate in cooperation programmes in R&D with Portugal, or if they belong to an entity recognized by Eurostat as a research entity.
Conditions for students
PhD students have access under the same conditions as other researchers. Master's students need to fulfil an additional condition: the request and the statement of commitment must be also signed by the supervisor.
Legal framework
Law of the National Statistical System, NSS (Law No. 22/2008 of 13 May, article 6o, no 7 and 8).
How much does it cost?
Access to INE data is free of charge for researchers.
How long does it take to obtain data?
If there is no need to use safe centre, the average time between the request and access to the data is one week (with some variation).
Information on access
For further details:
Statistics Portugal - Web Portal:
Researchers Area: (in Portuguese only)
(All in Portuguese)
Accreditation request form:
Code of conduct to be signed by researchers:
Data available:
Types of microdata available for Portugal
Public Use Files (PUF)
Scientific Use Files (SUF)
The prospective data user must submit online a request for accreditation for a specific research project, naming all the researchers involved and specifying the duration, goals and methods of the project. A Code of Conduct for the use of statistical data must be signed by each researcher involved and by an authorized representative of the institution. The request is examined by DGEEC for accreditation and then forwarded to INE if approved. When access is granted, then a contract must be signed between the researchers and INE, specifying obligations of the parties and sanctions in case of breach.
Secure Use Files (SecUF)
Some of the micro-data bases are only available for access in a safe centre environment. Statistics Portugal has 4 safe centres located in the headquarters building in Lisbon, in its Regional Delegations in Coimbra and Porto, and a remote safe centre in the Regional Directorate of Statistics of Madeira (DREM). The use of these safe centres has its own rules. The standard software installed on the safe center PCs is SPSS, R and Stata. Use of the safe centers is subject to prior booking.
Outputs are subject to confidentiality checks before release.
Access to microdata by type of person
Public Use Files | Scientific Use Files | Secure Use Files | |
Public | Yes | No | No |
Students | Yes | Yes | Yes |
PhD students | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Researchers | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Foreign researchers | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Modes of access by microdata type
Public Use Files | Scientific Use Files | Secure Use Files | |
Online access | Yes | No | No |
For download | Yes | No | No |
Onsite access | No | No | No |
Remote access | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Remote execution | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Microdatasets available for Portugal
- Adult Education Survey
- Death Statistics
- Divorces statistics
- European Community Household Panel
- Fertility and Family Survey
- Household Budget Survey (HBS)
- Labour Force Survey (LFS)
- Live-birth statistics
- Marriage statistics
- National Health Survey
- Population and housing census
- Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC)
- Time Use Survey
Note: Statistics Portugal has a great number of Microdatasets that may be consulted in this page: (in Portuguese only)
Other access points in Europe
The pages above provide information on microdata disseminated at the national level by the statistical institutes in the European countries and on microdata disseminated by Eurostat. The pages describe the data and the procedures for requesting access as well as the available types of microdata files (Public Use Files, Scientific Use Files, and Secure Use Files).
This information was initially collected by CASD/GENES for the CIMES database developed for Data without Boundaries project (funded by the 7th Framework Programme, the EU's research funding programme between 2007 and 2013). CIMES stands for Centralising and Integrating Metadata from European Statistics. Various organisations (ADP, CED, CNRS-Réseau Quetelet, FORS, GESIS, RODA, ONS, and UL) contributed to the creation of CIMES by collecting and structuring the metadata for the period of the Data without Boundaries project (2011-2015). In 2021, Eurostat moved the CIMES database to the CROS platform to facilitate updates of countries' information. Eurostat would like to thank all CIMES developers, especially CASD, for sharing the CIMES database and for all efficient collaboration.