Access to microdata for scientific purposes
in European countries
Access to microdata for scientific purposes in Switzerland
Name of the microdata access service
Swiss Federal Statistical Office – FSO
Postal address
Espace de l’Europe 10
2010 Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
Contact form:
Access conditions
General conditions
Scientific/Secure Use Files can be supplied for research purposes only. A data protection contract has to be signed.
Conditions for non-resident researchers
Non-resident researchers must additionally demonstrate security measures planned for data protection.
Conditions for students
Same as for national researchers. The student’s supervisor (Professor) also signs the data protection contract with FSO. Students are entitled to discounts. (For students registered in a foreign university, it is recommended that the supervisor acts as principal investigator).
Legal framework
Federal Statistics Act of 9 October 1992, n. 431.01.
How much does it cost?
Pricing scheme varies between studies; rebates are available for projects financed by the Swiss government or the Swiss national research foundation.
How long does it take to obtain data?
Between one week for well documented requests to three months if SFSO needs additional information.
Information on access
Additional information on the FSO website:
Federal Statistics Act:
Types of microdata available for Switzerland
Public Use Files (PUF)
FSO considers data released through its Internet site as public use files.
Scientific Use Files (SUF)
A data protection contract has to be signed. Additional information on the FSO website:
Secure Use Files (SecUF)
A data protection contract has to be signed. Additional information on the FSO website:
Access to microdata by type of person
Public Use Files | Scientific Use Files | Secure Use Files | |
Public | Yes | No | No |
Students | Yes | Yes | Yes |
PhD students | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Researchers | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Foreign researchers | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Modes of access by microdata type
Public Use Files | Scientific Use Files | Secure Use Files | |
Online access | Yes | No | No |
For download | Yes | Yes (contract) | Yes (contract) |
Onsite access | No | No | No |
Remote access | No | No | No |
Remote execution | No | No | No |
Microdatasets available for Switzerland
- Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey (ALL)
- Business Census (BC)
- Federal Population Census (FPC)
- Graduate Survey
- Household Budget Survey (HBS)
- Mobility and Transport Microcensus (MTMC)
- Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)
- Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life
- Social protection and labour market (SESAM)
- Statistics of the Foreign Resident Population (PETRA)
- Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (SILC)
- Swiss Earnings Structure Survey (SESS)
- Swiss Health Survey (SHS)
- Swiss Labour Force Survey (SLFS)
- Vital Statistics (BEVNAT)
Other access points in Europe
The pages above provide information on microdata disseminated at the national level by the statistical institutes in the European countries and on microdata disseminated by Eurostat. The pages describe the data and the procedures for requesting access as well as the available types of microdata files (Public Use Files, Scientific Use Files, and Secure Use Files).
This information was initially collected by CASD/GENES for the CIMES database developed for Data without Boundaries project (funded by the 7th Framework Programme, the EU's research funding programme between 2007 and 2013). CIMES stands for Centralising and Integrating Metadata from European Statistics. Various organisations (ADP, CED, CNRS-Réseau Quetelet, FORS, GESIS, RODA, ONS, and UL) contributed to the creation of CIMES by collecting and structuring the metadata for the period of the Data without Boundaries project (2011-2015). In 2021, Eurostat moved the CIMES database to the CROS platform to facilitate updates of countries' information. Eurostat would like to thank all CIMES developers, especially CASD, for sharing the CIMES database and for all efficient collaboration.