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6. Annual reports and relabelling

6.1. Reporting changes to the EMOS Board

Once the EMOS label is awarded by the ESSC, the EMOS Board should routinely be consulted about any changes to the labelled programme. This obligation is fulfilled by completing the relevant section in the annual reporting questionnaire (see 6.2.). The Board evaluates once a year whether the changes are in line with the EMOS Guide and EMOS learning outcomes requirements.  

An email with the proposed changes can be sent to the EMOS Secretariat at throughout the year. The evaluation of proposed changes can, in exceptional cases, be done outside of the annual evaluation procedure.

In case of major revisions which may cause deviations of the EMOS-labelled master´s programme from the EMOS Guide and EMOS learning outcomes, the EMOS label renewal process will have to be carried out once again before the label expires. 

6.2. Annual reporting

Each year, EMOS-labelled master’s programmes fill in an annual reporting questionnaire prepared by the EMOS Secretariat. The questionnaire collects information on enrolled students and successful graduates of the programme, evaluation of EMOS activities, the overall assessment of the academic year, completed internships, master´s theses and research topics. The annual questionnaire is also a tool for the systematic collection of information on changes introduced to the EMOS‑labelled programmes during the reporting year.

The EMOS Secretariat prepares an analysis of the responses and an annual report, which is shared with the EMOS Board.

6.3.    EMOS label renewal process

The EMOS label is awarded for five years. To renew their EMOS label, master’s programmes are requested to submit information on their motivation, plans to develop their programmes, teaching and coursework addressing the EMOS learning outcomes. This information is collected through a dedicated section of the annual reporting questionnaire. The EMOS Board members examine the received feedback and assess whether the proposed programme continue to fulfil the requirements for the award of the EMOS label for the next 5-year period. 

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