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5. Assessment

5.1. Scores

The EMOS Board will assess the eligibility and the selection criteria on the basis of the information provided in the application forms and the annexes. Each criterion will be scored on a scale from 0 to 3 (half point scores may be given):




0 Insufficient

proposal fails to address the criterion or cannot be assessed due to missing or incomplete information

1 Fair

proposal broadly addresses the criterion, but there are significant weaknesses

2 Good

proposal addresses the criterion well, but some shortcomings are present

3 Excellent

proposal successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the criterion, any shortcomings are minor


An application fulfils the selection criteria if it receives at least “Good” for each criterion.

5.2. Assessment process

The assessment team consists of the EMOS Board and EMOS Secretariat at Eurostat. The EMOS Board must assess the applications objectively and independently. All members of the EMOS Board must sign a declaration of absence of conflict of interest and of confidentiality. The deliberations of the EMOS Board shall be confidential.

In case the organisation with which an EMOS Board member is affiliated is involved in an application for the EMOS label, the respective member will not be involved in the assessment and will be requested to leave the room during the deliberations regarding that particular application.

The EMOS Secretariat and Board reserve the right to request clarifications from the applicants at any point in time of the process.

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