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3. Roadmap

3.    Roadmap

Year t


Permanent open call for applications is published on the EMOS website

31 December

year t 


Cut-off date for submissions


year t+1


EMOS Secretariat:

  • checks admissibility criteria and requests missing documents;
  • proceeds with clarification requests on behalf of the EMOS Board members and recomposing evaluation teams in case of conflict of interest.


year t+1


EMOS Board assesses the following two sets of criteria:

  • Eligibility criteria — formal criteria (yes/no);
  • Selection criteria — fulfilling the EMOS requirements.


year t+1


EMOS Board finalises the assessment and proposes a short-list of programmes to the ESS Committee for award of the EMOS label


year t+1


EMOS label awarded by the ESS Committee and informing the applicants


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