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4. Criteria for awarding the EMOS label

4.1. Admissibility criteria

The admissibility criteria are formal features of the application. The documents may be submitted in a national language; however, in this case, a non-certified translation into English must be provided. Personal data will be collected, processed and published in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) No (EU) 2018/1725.

A list of the required documents and annexes to the EMOS application is provided in the Annex 2 of this Guide. The application form is available on the EMOS website.

The complete application with annexes is to be sent to by 31 December of the current year at the latest by 23:59 (Central European Time - CET) with the subject ‘Reply to EMOS Call for applications + name of the university’.


4.2. Eligibility criteria

The eligibility criteria are:

Eligibility criterion 1: The programme is an accredited master’s programme in an EU Member State, EU candidate country or EFTA country.

Eligibility criterion 2: The master’s programme is in line with the Bologna process and the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

If the application does not meet the eligibility requirements, it will not be assessed any further and feedback will be provided only on the aspects that led to it being rejected.

4.3. Selection criteria

The selection criteria are:

Selection criterion 1: The master’s programme is organised in line with the EMOS learning outcomes, includes a master’s thesis and an internship in the area of official statistics

Master’s thesis: the programme includes a master’s thesis. In formally justified cases, the master’s thesis can be substituted by an equivalent scientific report on a relevant topic related to official statistics. The development of the master’s thesis/scientific report must be supported by a National Statistical Institute (NSI), National Central Bank (NCB), Other National Authority (ONA), an International Organisation (IO) or any other partner organisation producing or dealing with statistics and data, as long as the thesis topic is relevant to official statistics and based on the EMOS learning outcomes.

Internships: The programme includes an internship of a minimum 8 weeks in an NSI, a statistical department of an NCB, ONA, IO or other partner organisation and is steered and managed by the university as well as the respective NSI, NCB, ONA, IO or any other partner organisation producing or dealing with statistics and data, as long as the internship focuses on work that is relevant to official statistics.

As a rule, internships are to be carried out physically at the working premises. However, remote internships can be accommodated when it is not possible to organise them otherwise.

Selection criterion 2: Written agreement of cooperation with the respective NSI, NCB, ONA or IO.

The University has set up a written agreement of cooperation with the respective NSI, NCB, ONA or IO with regard to internships and other support such as cooperation in teaching and master’s thesis.

Selection criterion 3: The credits allocated to the master’s programme amount to at least 90 ECTS

The total credits devoted to the EMOS master’s programme are worth at least 90 ECTS which must include: 

  • At least 50 ECTS allocated to the courses aimed at reaching the EMOS learning outcomes
  • At least 30 ECTS allocated to a combination of master’s thesis of at least 20 ECTS and internship of at least 10 ECTS and/or of a minimum duration of 8 weeks.
  • In case of awarding only a minimum number of ECTS to the master’s thesis and internship, the remaining ECTS (up to 10 ECTS) should be allocated to the EMOS learning outcomes in order to reach the total of 90 ECTS.
  • In case the specific rules in place in a given country do not allow ECTS to be awarded for the:
  • master’s thesis, the programme has to include an equivalent number of ECTS dedicated to research leading to a scientific report.
  • Internship, the programme has to include an internship with an equivalent workload in terms of duration (8 weeks).

Selection criterion 4: Start of the programme

The master’s program should already be operational or start no later than one year after the application is received by the EMOS Secretariat.

Selection criterion 5: Adequate teaching capacity and qualifications

The University holds adequate teaching capacity and qualifications for the master’s programme.


4.4. Additional assets

Though not taken into account in the selection decision, an effective quality assurance system and cooperation with higher education institutions at an international level or participation in European networks are considered as additional assets. The information will give an insight into ongoing projects and the quality assessment mechanism that has been put in place. This information will also feed into further development work of the EMOS network.


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