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4th EMOS Workshop Luxembourg - 2015

The fourth EMOS Workshop was held in Luxembourg on 15 and 16 October 2015.
For the first time, the 11 universities offering EMOS labelled Master Programmes presented their success to a wider audience. Furthermore, the regulations for the 2nd EMOS Call for Applications (which was published immediately after the Workshop) were presented by Eurostat.

'World Café' and 'Open Space' was the format for discussion on the both days of the Workshop, setting the scene for important issues surrounding the EMOS project to be addressed. Universities with the EMOS label participated at this Workshop; other universities interested in EMOS and considering taking part in the 2nd EMOS Call for Application were welcome to attend.

Furthermore, the National Statistical Institutes from the European Member States, EFTA and candidate countries were invited, as well as representation from the Central Banks and other national statistical authorities.


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