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5th EMOS workshop Lisbon - 2016

5th EMOS workshop ‘EMOS: from discussion to action’, 29-30 November 2016, Lisbon, Portugal

The EMOS network met in Lisbon to share experiences and develop EMOS further. The event hosted by the NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), brought together 41 participants from 17 countries, representing 20 different universities, 10 National Statistical Institutes, including also representatives from two Central Banks and Eurostat. Topics focused from day-to-day issues to European dimension:

  • Course materials
  • Master theses and internships
  • Best practices in collaboration with NSIs and universities
  • Best practices in teaching
  • Audiovisual and online tools
  • EMOS European dimension

Everyone was able to participate in all sessions, thus encouraging discussion and interaction between the more experienced EMOS partners and those whose programmes received the EMOS label earlier this year. EMOS looks forward to its first graduates and new programmes getting started!


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