CIMES - Slovenia

• 22 September 2023
Name of the microdata access service
Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, SORS)
Postal address
Litostrojska cesta 54 SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Microdata access conditions
General conditions

Microdata can be provided for research purposes to registered research institutions and registered researchers in both academia and government offices. "Registered" researchers have a national identifier.
As a general rule, users submit applications for access that are assessed by a Confidentiality committee (internal to SORS); the latter prepares recommendations for SORS's board of directors, which makes the final decision.

Conditions for non-resident researchers

Same as national researchers (though requests from non-registered researchers should be evaluated by the internal Confidentiality committee).

Conditions for students

Same as confirmed researchers, provided a tutor/supervisor signs the access agreement on behalf of the student.

How to apply & modes of access
Public Use Files


Scientific Use Files

Anonymised data are distributed by the Social Science Data Archive (ADP) at the University of Ljubljana. A form has to be submitted and a contract has to be signed. Data are sent on CD Rom.

Secure Use Files

More detailed confidential data can be obtained from SORS after signing a special contract and a statement. They can be accessed onsite in a secure data room or via a remote access system.
The remote access system is in Slovenian only.

Details & practical information
How long does it take to obtain data?

2-3 weeks for surveys, up to 3 months for complex datasets from different data sources.

How much does it cost?

Free of charge.

Information on access

General information on access, application forms and contract:



Central Population Register (CPR)

Community Innovation Survey (CIS)

European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC)

External Trade

Final accounts

Graduates in tertiary education

Gross Fixed Capital Formation

Household Budget Survey (HBS)

Industrial production

Labour Force Survey (LFS)

Personal Income Tax

Slovenian Business Register

Statistical Register of Employment

Student enrolment in tertiaty education

Time Use Survey (TUS)

Unemployed workers

Usage of information-communication technologies in enterprises

Victimisation Survey (VS)


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