The winning theses of the third edition are:
- ENSAI / University of Rennes: Chloé Maisonnave
‘Interactions within a multi-layer EU inter-bank network’
- University of Bergamo: Anna Scaccabarozzi
‘Measuring competitiveness: a new composite indicator for Italian municipalities’
- University of Pisa: Sara Sodini
‘Estimating spatial distribution of the NEET rate in Italy by small area methods’
- University of Bologna: Pietro Macedoni
‘Integration of land use vector data from administrative sources for agri-environmental analysis’
- KU Leuven: Dishani Sen
‘Using digital trace data to generate representative estimates of disease prevalence (COVID-19 infections) in Belgian municipalities’
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki: Eleni Papadopoulou
‘Development of methodology for automated crop mapping in Greece using neural networks and sentinel-2 satellite imagery’