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2021 Master’s Thesis Competition

The winning theses of the second edition are:

  • Complutense University of Madrid: Ms Sarah Bohnensteffen
    'Selective Data Editing of Continuous Variables with Random Forests in Official Statistics'
  • LMU München: Mr Dominik Kreiss
    'Examining Undecided Voters in Multiparty Systems - An Approach with Discrete Choice Models under Ontic Imprecision'
  • University of Bamberg: Mr Jannik Schaller
    'Data Fusion of EU-SILC and HBS: Comparing Random Hot-Deck against Predictive Mean Matching within a Simulation Study'


Spotlight sessions

  • Rennes 1 University/ENSAI: Ms Chloé Lallemand
    'Assessment of causal impact of reforms of the French pension system on private sectors wage earners'
  • Rennes 1 University/ENSAI: Ms Suzanne Scott
    'Enhancing seasonal adjustment using X13-ARIMA-SEATS : the case of production in the French quarterly accounts'


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