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Information standards and technologies for describing, exchanging and disseminating data and metadata - 2025


 Information standards and technologies for describing, exchanging and disseminating data and metadata

Course Leader

Alessio Cardacino 

Target Group

Subject-matter experts without specialist IT knowledge.

Entry Qualifications
  • Sound command of English. Participants should be able to make short interventions and to actively participate in discussions


The main objectives of the course are:

  • Illustrate “standardisation” activities within the European Statistical System and, more in general, within the statistical community.
  • Explain how to define a standardization strategy to improve the statistical business processes
  • Focus on the main conceptual, logical and technical statistical standards detailed in the ESS Enterprise Architecture Reference Framework (GSBPM, GSIM, SDMX, DDI)
  • Introduce open data (DCAT) and spatial (INSPIRE) standards 
  • Highlight the relationships between conceptual and implementation standards
  • Experiment with tools in implementing a standards-based metadata-driven architecture for more efficient processes related to metadata management, data dissemination and data reporting

Introduction to Information Models & Standards:

- Basic notions

- Relevance in the context of statistical production

- Metadata-driven process statistical production process

▪ Overview of the overarching Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM) and its relationships to other standards (such as GSBPM, SDMX and DDI)

▪ Overview of some main implementation-level standards

- Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX): standard, guidelines, IT architecture and implementation scenarios. The discussion on SDMX will also include information about the latest developments in the standard (SDMX 3.0).

- Data Documentation Initiative (DDI): Describing, managing and archiving unit-record data

- Semantic web standards, such as RDF linked open data (e.g.DCAT, SPARQL, SKOS/XKOS, RDF Data Cube Vocabulary)


▪ Use cases and/or practical exercises on data exchange, validation and dissemination.

Expected Outcome

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • propose and encourage standardization processes, within their respective organisations, in line with the ESS experiences
  • compare capabilities between different standards
  • drive the data/metadata reporting towards International Organisations
  • facilitate harmonized data/metadata sharing exercises
Training Methods
  • Case studies analysis. Participants will be invited to share their own thoughts and experiences. 
  • Building the foundations through theoretical lectures on standards, information models and metadata
  • Learning the essence of tools and products through the hands-on session based on real use-cases 
  • Design-thinking after users’ use cases presentations
  • “Q&A” session at the end of each day


Required Reading 


Suggested Reading


Required PreparationSubject-matter experts (domains, dissemination and metadata management staff) without specialist IT knowledge.

Alessio Cardacino (Istat), Francesco Rizzo (Istat), Giorgia Simeoni (Istat), Emanuela Recchini (Istat)



Practical Information





APPLICATION VIA National Contact Point


4 days

Rome, Italy


Deadline: 20.01.2025