Course Leader | Andreas DOLLT |
Target Group | Staff working in National Statistical Institutes and Competent National Authorities (CNA) on the compilation of National Accounts (NA). The course is targeted at junior statisticians with at least one year’s experience in NA through to staff with several years' experience. |
Entry Qualifications | Sound command of English. Participants should be able to make short interventions and to actively participate in discussions First experience of around one year's practical work in the area of national accounts.
Objective(s) | The aim of the course is: To improve the capacity of national statistical services to produce high quality ESA 2010 national accounts; To achieve an understanding of the theoretical basis and structure of ESA 2010 national accounts, together with sources and methodology; To provide a general overview and an understanding of the links of the different areas of the system of NA.
Contents | The uses of national accounts; Principles and accounting rules of ESA 2010; Classifications, statistical units, institutional sectors and types of output; Transactions in goods and services in NA; Distributive transactions; The sequence of accounts; Quarterly National Accounts; Principles of supply and use tables and the input output framework; Price and volume measures.
Expected Outcome | Improved knowledge of the system of national accounts and the main issues involved in their compilation. |
Training Methods | Presentations and lectures Exchange of views/experiences on national practices Exercises Group discussions are encouraged
Required Reading | ESA 2010, chapter 1 2008 SNA, chapter 2
Suggested Reading | ESA 2010, chapters 2, 3 and 4 Attendance to the e-learning course “Beginners guide to national accounts”, available via EU Academy ( 2008 SNA, chapters 3 to 7
Required Preparation | See required/suggested reading. Please bring a hand held calculator for the exercises |
Trainer(s)/ Lecturer(s) | Andreas DOLLT (Eurostat, Unit C1, national accounts methodology), Eurostat staff and an external expert. |