User rights are managed in EDAMIS and are synchronised with the ESS-MH every day.
Prospective users of the ESS-MH application, and who need to transmit metadata files, therefore need to go through a self-registration process in EDAMIS and request the rights on the required metadatasets or organisations.
Prerequisite: You have an EU Login account. > Further information can be found at EU Login requirements
Please self-register in EDAMIS. > Further information can be found at How to self-register in EDAMIS 4 and EDAMIS Explanatory videos
Request the required rights on metadatasets or organisations.
The “Sender responsible” (SEN_PROV_RSP) and “Sender delegate” (SEN_PROV_DLG) roles correspond to the “Provider” role in ESS-MH and allow editing and submission of metadata files for the respective metadatasets.
The “Metadata Coordinator” (MCO) role corresponds to “Super Provider” in ESS-MH and allows editing and submission of all metadata files for the respective organisations.
The Eurostat internal “Domain manager” (DMA), “Domain Co-responsible” (COR) and “Dataset Manager” (DSMA) roles correspond to the “Validator” role in ESS-MH and allow editing and validation of all metadata files within the respective domain or metadataset.
The MCO of your organisation or the responsible DMA / COR grants rights. Users will receive an email notification from EDAMIS when rights have been granted.
After receiving the email notification from EDAMIS, the rights will become effective in ESS-MH after the next user rights synchronisation. Synchronisations take place at 12:00 and 20:00 each day.
In case a user wishes to obtain read-only access to specific Metadata files in ESS-MH, the request should be submitted to The corresponding roles in ESS-MH are Viewer and Super Viewer and the information required is the following:
- EU Login username. Please go to EU Login page and select 'My account' by clicking on your name. Your EU Login username will be displayed via 'My account details';
- Statistical domain. Please provide the statistical domain/s for which you would like to have access to. If you are unsure about the domain and you know the name of the metadata file, the domain is usually listed first;
- Organisation. Please add the name of your organization or the corresponding organisation code;
- Desired access role. Please indicate whether you wish to have "read access" or "read and write access" to the metadata files.
Management and scope of the roles in ESS-MH
Further information on the rights and responsibilities of the different roles in EDAMIS can be found at What are the roles that can be assigned to the EDAMIS users and who is able to grant them?
Role managed in | Role in ESS-MH | Role in EDAMIS | Access level | |||
EDAMIS | Validator | DMA - Domain manager |
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EDAMIS | Validator | COR - Domain Co-responsible |
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EDAMIS | Validator | DSMA - Dataset Manager |
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EDAMIS | Super Provider | MCO - Metadata Coordinator |
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EDAMIS | Provider | SEN_PROV_RSP - Sender responsible
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EDAMIS | Provider | SEN_PROV_DLG - Sender delegate |
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ESS-MH (by Eurostat) | Viewer | - |
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ESS-MH (by Eurostat) | Super viewer | - |