CIMES - Romania

• 22 September 2023
Name of the microdata access service
Institutul National de Statistica - INSSE (National Institute of Statistics)
Postal address
Libertatii Bvd 16, Bucharest, Sector 5 (Romania)
Microdata access conditions
General conditions

Microdata can be accessed for research purposes. Researchers have to be affiliated to a research institute, university, National Statistical Institute, Central bank, consortium that has a partnership with an accredited research institute for a specific research project.
Research institutes are accredited by the National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS) which is under coordination of Ministry of Education and Research.

Conditions for non-resident researchers

Same conditions as national researchers.
A Statistical Confidentiality Committee (SCC) considers requests that are not covered by legislation (SCC has a consultative role).

Conditions for students

PhD students who are conducting research projects coordinated by scientific researchers may have access to data.

How to apply & modes of access
Public Use Files


Scientific Use Files

A formal request must be submitted to INSSE by e-mail/fax/letter. A contract has to be signed between parties. Data will be sent on CD-Rom.

Secure Use Files


Details & practical information
How long does it take to obtain data?

8 weeks on average. This time span includes examination of the data request, issuance of the contract, microdata and metadata preparation.

How much does it cost?

The price of the microdata request depends on the size of the sample/file (Number of Variables (NV) requested and the Number of observed Units (NU)).

Information on access

Information on accreditation and how to request access:
The Contract model is available on NIS website:


Community Survey on Information and Communication Technology in Households and by Individuals (ICT)

Continuing vocational training (CVT)

Dimensions of Social Inclusion in Romania

Family Budget Survey (FBS)

High school education

Household Integrated Survey (HIS)

Households Labour Force Survey (HLFS)

Job Vacancies Survey (JV)

Living conditions

Primary (ISCED level 1) and secondary (ISCED level 2) education

Statistical Survey on Salaries

Structure of Earnings Survey (SES)

Survey on professional training in enterprises

Tertiary education (ISCED level 5 and ISCED level 6)

Vocational education (ISCED level 3 and ISCED level 4)


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