Course description | Quick facts |
Target GroupStatisticians and IT professionals working in a statistical domain without SDMX knowledge.
ObjectivesTo enable participants to gain a general understanding of the SDMX standard and the most common SDMX artefacts that support the reporting, exchange and dissemination of statistical data. In particular, participants will
ContentsThe training session is aimed at people who are or will be in charge of managing SDMX-based transmission or dissemination of statistical data. It is important to understand that the course is intended to provide a first glance to the SDMX standard and its usability in the production of European statistics. The broad contents are:
| FrequencyTwice a year
Duration2.5 hours
LocationOnline How to connect to a Webex user guide How to applyTo apply for this course, please go to the training calendar and follow the instructions given in the specific training event..
Material from previous editions
Suggested readingFurther information on the standard can be found at SDMX InfoSpace and
ContactFor more information about this course, please contact |
Crash course on SDMX
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