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Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC) methodology

Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC) methods

Statistical disclosure control methods means methods to reduce the risk of disclosing information on the statistical units (natural persons, households, economic operators and other undertakings, referred to by the data), usually based on restricting the amount of, or modifying, the data released. 

There are different SDC methods, depending on: 

  • The type of data released (microdata, tables, maps)
  • The effect of the methods on the data released (data suppression, data perturbation).

Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC) Handbook

The SDC Handbook is the compendium of information on SDC. It is a result of work of SDC experts working together in projects co-financed by Eurostat. The second edition of the SDC Handbook is now available.  

Statistical Disclosure Control tools

There exist several tools supporting statisticians in applying SDC. There are also respective user groups and support services.