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CENEX on SDC (2005-2006)


  • To investigate the current situation in Europe regarding the application of SDC methods, we planned on conducting a short survey and studying the situation in a few selected countries in more depth.
  • To propose guidelines for the practical application of SDC methods in practice. These guidelines were based on the outcome of the previous survey but also based on the experiences of the participating countries. The countries that are most active in the field of SDC in this CENEX have been included.
  • The development of the ARGUS twins was one of the most visible outcomes of the CASC project. They were already being used in several European countries. Via the survey, we tried to also investigate which practical obstacles still existed at the time in the EU countries to apply these methods. The ARGUS software is and will never be a black box that will guarantee the production of safe statistical data without the expertise of a subject matter SDC specialist. So, on the one hand, we needed to investigate the practical obstacles (different production tools/production software, etc), but we also needed to educate researchers in the NSIs in the field of SDC. So, we also taught a course on SDC during this CENEX. To further raise the awareness of SDC, a concluding conference at the end of this CENEX was given.
  • A list of topics that will need our attention in the years after this CENEX project.


Task 1: Elaborate a representative inventory of the particular needs and state of affairs in the member countries concerning SDC.
Deliverable: A report describing the SDC-state of affairs in Europe (inventory).

Task 2: Produce recommendations/handbook on harmonized standards for micro-data and tabular data protection including disclosure risk assessment.
Deliverable: Draft recommendations handbook.

Task 3: Make SDC software tools operational to be used by production environments, both on micro data and tabular data from specific surveys.
Deliverable: List of futures and new versions of new versions of Tau-Argus and µ-Argus.

Task 4: Develop communication activities and raise awareness on SDC in the ESS.
Deliverable: One course on SDC; one concluding conference and a web-site.

Task 5: Establish a priority list of additional facilities and features to add to the software tools for statistical disclosure control on micro data and tabular data, considering especially usability aspects of different production and working environment.
Deliverable: List of topics for future research and development.


Deliverables Task1 (CENEX on SDC)
Deliverables Task2 (CENEX on SDC)
Deliverables Task4 (CENEX on SDC)
Deliverables Task5 (CENEX on SDC)


Acronym: CENEX on SDC
Project name: Statistical Disclosure Control
Contract type: MBGA
Project status: Finished
Project dates: 30/12/2005 to 30/122006
Duration: 12 months
Total eligible costs: 222 159.82
Total funding: 199 943.84


  • Description of the action (CENEX on SDC)
  • Final report (CENEX on SDC) - available upon request.


Coordinator: Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Co-partners: Istituto Nazionale Di Statistica (ISTAT), Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland (DeStatis), Office for National Statistics (ONS), University Rovira I Virgili, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS), Statistics Sweden, Statistical Office of Estonia (ESA), and Statistics Austria.



  • WP1 dlv
  • WP2 deliverable