Currently, for NSIs and Eurostat different software tools are available to apply SDC methods.
Each software tool can be considered as consisting of an user interface (UI) and the underlying methods offered through the UI (like modular, optimal, СТА, hypercube, local suppression, PRAM, swapping, ...). The interfaces provide a kind of IT service for making the underlying methods accessible for the users in their respective IT environments. The following interfaces are available:
- R-packages (sdcMicro, sdcMicroGUI, sdcTable, SimPop).
Most of the implemented methods yield the same results when using the same input, irrespective of the used tool. However, there are a few methods that are available in the one tool that are not available in the other.
All software tools are Open Source tools and their code is available through github.
For more information on the Open Source codes, see sdcTools on GitHub
For information on the User Group for SDC tools, see User Support for sdcTools