COOL is a web application that support statistical business owners overview two key processes: data transmission and data validation by allowing access to transmitted datafiles and validation reports. COOL is available to Eurostat domain managers only. 



EDAMIS access rights to the required domain and/or dataset are a prerequisite in order to access COOL. For more information on how to request access rights in EDAMIS, including activating the 2 Factor Authentication feature please read this FAQ.

Contact & Help

For queries on data transmission and validation, including issues accessing COOL, bugs observed and any other support requests, please send an email to

Maintenance Calendar

Event:  Urgent intervention impacting the Production environment of COOL and Validation Systems scheduled on February 5 at 19:00
Event:  Intervention impacting the Production environment of EDAMIS and Validation Systems scheduled on February 6
Event:  Intervention impacting the Production environment of COOL scheduled on February 8 at 08:00

User guides

Explore the COOL user guide for a comprehensive overview of the application's key features

Learn about the structure and content of the validation report as well as the available formats in which they become available in the Validation reports user guide


Find out answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about COOL

Training opportunities

A learning session on COOL is organised regularly, showcasing the application's main features:

In a nutshell

Eurostat receives and validates national data before European statistics can be produced. COOL facilitates the work of Eurostat production units by displaying together information on the transmission and validation of data files. It also allows taking further action in the Validation procedure, whenever required.

The tool is accessible to Eurostat domain managers only.


Main features

COOL is a web application intended for Eurostat Domain Managers who, through a single portal, wish to access information on data transmission and on the data validation process. COOL enables Eurostat users to monitor and manage several aspects of data exchange and validation. In particular, COOL enables users to:

  • View key information on files transmitted to Eurostat, including the number of files received, their format, the transmission date etc.
  • Download received files as well as the validation reports provided by Eurostat’s structural and content validation services
  • Take action to reject / accept data files when required


Other resources

For testing purposes, you may be asked to use the COOL Acceptance environment. Access to the COOL Acceptance environment is possible for users who have access to EDAMIS Acceptance rather than Production.