CIMES - Sweden

• 22 September 2023
Name of the microdata access service
Statistika centralbyran (Statistics Sweden)
Postal address
Box 24300 104 51 Stockholm (Sweden)
Microdata access conditions
General conditions

Access is provided to researchers affiliated to recognized higher education or research institutions in Sweden.

Conditions for non-resident researchers

Access is restricted to certain datafiles for EU researchers. No access for non EU researchers.

Conditions for students

No access for students

How to apply & modes of access
Public Use Files


Scientific Use Files


Secure Use Files

Confidential data can be accessed from anywhere through a remote access system called Microdata Online Access (MONA). A written request for the information desired is sent to SCB. The application should contain a project description and a statement of ethical review board attached. If sensitive data must be handled in the research project, approval by an ethics board is required (§ 19 Data Protection Act). Statistics Sweden has one agreement for researchers at state universities and another agreement for researchers at private institutions. For remote access to data at servers of Statistics Sweden there is also an agreement concerning how to handle the PIN-code and password.

Details & practical information
How long does it take to obtain data?

Differs, depending on the amount of data and the preconditions. Statistics Sweden does not today have this as a prioritized task.

How much does it cost?

The researcher pays for the extra work, in order to prepare the data for the research project. The amount is round € 100/hour.



Household Economy

Labour Force Survey (LFS)

Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (SILC)

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