CIMES - Portugal

• 22 September 2023
Name of the microdata access service
Instituto Nacional de Estatística (National Institute of Statistics)
Postal address
Av. António José de Almeida 1000-043 LISBOA (Portugal)
Microdata access conditions
General conditions

To facilitate researchers' access to data, INE has a protocol with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, specifically the Foundation of Science and Technology (FCT - entity responsible for funding R&D in Portugal) and General Directorate of Statistics for Education and Science (DGEEC).
The protocol concerns researchers from universities and other legally recognized higher education and research institutions. DGEEC is responsible for accrediting users and providing them with the necessary information. The researchers must sign a form (online submission will be available soon) and a Statement of Commitment (each researcher involved in the request must sign one).
The accreditation granted by DGEEC is valid during the declared length of the research project and only for the data identified in the request. It requires signature of a Code of Conduct by the applicant and the research institution of affiliation.
Under the protocol four access modes are authorised including provision of fully anonymised data files and ready-made tables that allow no form of re- identification of statistical units; access via a secure remote access IT system to data that enable accredited researchers to build customised tables; and exceptionally, onsite access in a safe environment, allowing use of indirectly identifiable microdata under strictly controlled conditions (subject to a previous additional assessment by Statistics Portugal and an external group of experts in the area of the request).
Note: remote access is not yet implemented.

Conditions for non-resident researchers

Non-resident researchers can access statistical data under the same conditions as the Portuguese if they are in a Foundation for Science and Technology Portuguese training scholarship or if they participate in cooperation programmes in R&D with Portugal.

Conditions for students

PhD students have access under the same conditions as other researchers. Master's students need to fulfil an additional condition: the request and the statement of commitment must be also signed by the supervisor

How to apply & modes of access
Public Use Files


Scientific Use Files

The prospective data user must submit a request for accreditation for a specific research project, naming all the researchers involved and specifying the duration, goals and methods of the project. A Code of Conduct for the use of statistical data must be signed by each researcher involved and by an authorized representative of the institution. The request is examined by DGEEC for accreditation and then forwarded to INE if approved. When access is granted, then a contract must be signed between the researchers and INE, specifying obligations of the parties and sanctions in case of breach.

Secure Use Files

Exceptionally access to a secure environment (safe centre) could be provided and the researcher can access de-identified data enabling indirect identification. Outputs are subject to confidentiality checks before release.

Details & practical information
How long does it take to obtain data?

If there is no need to use safe centre, the average time between the request and access to the data is one or two weeks (with some variation).

How much does it cost?

Access to INE data is free of charge for researchers.


Adult Education Survey

Death Statistics

Divorces statistics

European Community Household Panel

Fertility and Familiy Survey

Household Budget Survey (HBS)

Labour Force Survey (LFS)

Live-birth statistics

Marriage statistics

National Health Survey

Population and housing census

Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC)

Time Use Survey

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