ContactName of the microdata access serviceGłówny Urząd Statystyczny (Central Statistical Office)Postal address00-925 Warsaw - Al. Niepodległości 208 (Poland) access website access conditionsGeneral conditionsResearchers affiliated to recognised universities or other higher education and research institutions may have access to anonymised microdata from social surveys (no business data) for scientific and statistical purposes. The individual researcher and the institution take joint responsibility for use of the data.Conditions for non-resident researchersNon-resident researchers from the EU and affiliated countries may apply for access under the same conditions as national researchers. Contract procedures and requirements are slightly simplified (in terms of signatures, in particular), but the information to be provided, obligations, and fees are the same.Conditions for studentsPhD students and higher may apply for access to data.Legal frameworkThe statistical law of Poland (1995) emphasizes protection of confidentiality, especially of businesses. The 2014 CSO regulation offers a possibility of access for scientific research purposes.An update of the statistical law is in preparation. These changes will influence the process of granting access to confidential data.How to apply & modes of accessPublic Use FilesN/AScientific Use FilesThere is no form to complete but a written application letter must be submitted, with the following information:• Project title• Organisation and unit (e.g. Faculty)• Description of project• Scientific aims of the project• Supervising head researcher and leading researcher• Detailed description of required dataThe application is assessed by the relevant subject matter department(s), the director of the microdata department, and the director of Information Department; in difficult cases, the President of CSO may also be involved. The process is coordinated by staff in Information Department.If the request is approved, then agreement must be signed by the representatives of the two parties (CSO and the requesting organisation), stating the obligations of both. The data may be prepared for delivery (usually on CD-Rom).Secure Use FilesA secure PC on the premises of CSO to use 2002 census data was discontinued due to technical and financial problems. Works on reintroduction of safe centre have begun but no final term is determined yet. At the beginning 2011 census and 2010 agriculture census data will be available at the safe centre. More datasets are planned to be added in the future.Details & practical informationHow long does it take to obtain data?It depends on complexity of requested dataset and current workload. It usually takes about a month but shorter and longer periods are possible.How much does it cost?Fees are established depending on time and work required for data preparation. Researchers receive an estimate of costs after their application has been examined.Information on accessNo information on access is available online. All information can be provided by employees of Information Department law: Incomes and living conditions of the population in Poland (SILC)Labour force survey in Poland (LFS)Polish Household Budget Survey (HBS)Structure of wages and salaries by occupations
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