ContactName of the microdata access serviceDržavni Zavod Za Statistiku (Croatian Bureau of Statistics)Postal addressIlica 3 - 10000 access website access conditionsGeneral conditionsProducers of official statistics may, on the basis of a written request, provide individual statistical data without identifier for the purpose of performing the activities of scientific research.Applications for research access to data shall state the purpose of the use of the statistical data.A contract shall be signed, according to which the user shall be held financially and criminally responsible to use statistical data only for the purpose stated in the request, and shall not provide these data for inspection or use to unauthorised persons, and shall destroy such data after use.Producers of official statistics shall keep records of research usage of the data.Contract violations are punished with a fine of HRK 1,000 - 10,000 (approx. EUR 130 - 1300)Legal frameworkThe Official Statistics Act (the Official Gazette Nos. 103/03, 75/09 and 59/12)How to apply & modes of accessScientific Use FilesWritten request Household Budget Survey (HBS)Innovation activitiesStatistics on Income and Living Conditions (SILC)
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