Eurostat upgrades metadata files for better user experience

Veronica NICA
Veronica NICA

As part of Eurostat's ongoing efforts to improve the user experience and provide high-quality data to its users, Eurostat has launched a modernized layout and design of the metadata files published on its website. The new layout has already been introduced for most published metadata files. Complex and customised templates will migrate gradually to the new layout, ensuring a seamless transition for all users. 

The new layout features a more modern and accessible design that respects the Commission's accessibility guidelines and Eurostat's visual style guide. The updated metadata files will cater to different user profiles, providing a shorter selection of 15 key concepts for non-expert users, known as the "Short metadata file". Expert users will still have the option to access all available metadata concepts by toggling the display of the "Full metadata file".

As part of this initiative, Eurostat's unit B1 has developed a more focused approach to quality control, including the creation of quality checklists and accessibility guidelines for metadata files. These resources will ensure a consistent approach to content quality by all actors involved in the writing of metadata.

To support users and metadata authors in understanding the new requirements, Eurostat has also made available two comprehensive FAQs: one on accessibility requirements and another on quality requirements. These resources provide detailed information on how to ensure that metadata files meet the necessary accessibility standards and outline the key principles and best practices for creating high-quality metadata files.

Contact: If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to Eurostat unit B1: ESTAT DATA METADATA SERVICES

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