This work package is being carried out by five of the Web Intelligence Network partners: GUS (Poland) will be leading, with contributions from: STATA (Austria), ISTAT (Italy), NSI (Bulgaria), and ONS (UK).
The goals for Work Package 1 (WP1) are two-fold:
- To carry out the project in an effective and timely manner, in order to achieve its goals; and
- To leverage the acknowledgment of, and familiarity with the WIH, in order to contribute to the widest possible use of the Hub’s services and spur the potential to integrate them with the national statistical production systems across the ESS.
WP1 covers four major activity strands, organized into specific sub-tasks:
- Project coordination – this involves overall project coordination, internal communication (within the consortium and with the Eurostat) and collaboration, administration, and finances.
- Promotion, communication, and knowledge sharing – this sub-task focuses on raising awareness of the WIH through networking, community building and promotion at international events. It also concentrates on the development of training activities for knowledge sharing and skills development.
- User support and product dissemination – this sub-task will provide a help desk and documentation to support users as promotion and knowledge of the WIH increases. This sub-task will also focus on the dissemination of products including starter kits, data guidelines and handbooks.
- Coordination of the Web Intelligence uSERgroup (WISER) – this group will be composed of experts outside the consortium. The role of the WISER will evolve over time, however it is expected to cover the testing of project outcomes, as well as outlining potential developmental areas.