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Web Intelligence Project Overview

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The Trusted Smart Statistics – Web Intelligence Network project has evolved from previous activities implemented between 2016-2020, throughout the course of the ESSnet Big Data I and ESSnet on Big Data II projects, which targeted multi-purpose statistics based on an array of non-traditional data sources. This project will contribute to the establishment of the Web Intelligence Network (WIN) across the ESS and beyond. It will deliver this through a comprehensive and coordinated approach to building the web intelligence system at the ESS level, providing a greater chance to generate the right conditions for the integration of web data into official statistics, rather than via individual NSI efforts.

The specific project objectives are to:

  1. Raise knowledge and strengthen web intelligence competencies in the use of the WIH services across the ESS and beyond
  2. Advance the developments in the domains of OJA and OBEC, to integrate them with the WIH and move towards the statistical production stage
  3. Identify additional web data sources and to define new use cases with the potential to be integrated in the WIH
  4. Develop comprehensive business architecture, methodology and quality frameworks with quantitative quality indicators for the production of statistics with web data.

The project will be delivered via four key Work Packages:

  • Work Package 1 - Building the WIN across ESS and beyond, via WIH-related competency building, targeted knowledge sharing, user support and users’ active engagement in WIH development
  • Work Package 2 - The advancement of the WIH, and moving the online job advertisements (OJA) and online-based enterprise characteristics (OBEC) use cases into statistical production stage
  • Work Package 3 - The exploration of the potential to extend the WIH by new data sources and use cases
  • Work Package 4 - The development of solid methodological and quality foundations for generating statistics within the WIH

The project consists of a consortium, that engages 17 organizations from 14 European countries.