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What is the difference between the data file traffic report and the delivery report?

Every transmission in EDAMIS can have several receiving organisations. Most transmissions are from national data authorities to Eurostat only, but there are also information flows in the other direction, i.e. from Eurostat to national data provider.

In EDAMIS,  the version of the transmission is given at the point of delivery rather than at the point of sending. This guarantees that each receiver will always have a sequential versioning for the transmissions sent to him, but it implies that the version number is not unique for a given transmission – it is unique for a given transmission and receiver.

To be able to provide a full picture of the transmission flow (from the moment of the sending until the reception by each organisation/delivery endpoint), the information is split in two reports:

  • The Data File Traffic (DFT) report shows all transmissions made. There is one line per transmission – but the version number cannot be included, since it is included at the point of delivery and one transmission can have several deliveries.
  • The Delivery Report shows all deliveries made. Each transmission can therefore appear in several lines (if there are several receivers) and can have different version numbers per receiver since the version number is applied on the delivery side.

The DFT and Delivery Report show the transmissions from two different points of view: one from the sending side (DFT) and one from the delivery side (Delivery Report).