The report D4.2 presents the list of software artefacts developed within the Multi-MNO project based on the requirements and specifications provided by the parallel deliverables on methodological framework (D2.2) and on quality framework (D3.2).
The software artefacts include: (i) open-source software and testing datasets, (ii) technical documentation (including software requirements, design and tests), (iii) developers guide and (iv) user manual.
This report provides detailed information about the software technological stack, requirements and design. Rest of software artefacts (code, testing datasets, user manual, developer guide, etc.) are provided in the project’s GitHub repository publicly available at the following link:
Disclaimer: The report D4.2 is an intermediate result from the project. It aligns with the codes release v 0.3 available on the public Eurostat GitHub repository. Note however that more recent software releases may be already available on GitHub. The content of this report will be updated in future versions as the project progresses.
Those readers interested in testing the codes, please use the latest software release published at Releases · eurostat/multimno (
Readers are invited to submit general comments and corrections or share their views via email to or via the Issues tab on the GitHub repository.
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