The report D2.2 is a second interim version of the methodological framework proposed by the Multi-MNO project for the processing of MNO data for official statistics.
The report is organised along three complementary volumes, which altogether build the content of project Deliverable D2.2 - as follows:
D2.2 – Volume I – Detailed scope, requirements and methodological framework comprises the core conceptual framework, the definition of the reference scenario and demonstrator scenario, and the main details of the processing flow.
D2.2 – Volume II – Use cases defines a set of illustrative use cases and corresponding statistical indicators that can be derived from the processing of the MNO data. The use cases identify relevant statistical outputs of interest for National Statistical Institutes (NSIs), evidencing at the same time the potentialities of MNO data. The description of the use cases in this volume focuses on conceptual and methodological aspects, having as basis the high-level description of the data processing flow detailed in Volume I of this deliverable. The details of each use case and associated statistical indicators, are subject to be refined through future dialogue with statistical experts from the relevant statistical domains.
D2.2 – Volume III – Methods and data objects specifies in detail the full set of methods and data objects developed for four use cases (namely: Present Population Estimation, M-Usual Environment Indicators, M-Home Location Indicators and Internal Migration).
To download all three volumes in a single zip file us this link. This report focuses exclusively on the conceptual and methodological aspects. The technical specifications, the detailed architecture and the software design are defined in a separate project deliverable; please refer to Software codes and documentation.
Disclaimer: The report is a work-in-progress of the conceptual and methodological framework. This second version addresses the feedback and comments provided by the project Advisory Board and by the ESS Task Force on MNO Data on an earlier version of the document. The content of the document may change in the future final revision.
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